Chapter 33 - The new girl.

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Next day

Mukhriz leaded the prayer behind was his wife, he was leading the prayer while his Wife Shahnaz was standing behind him.

"As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmat-Ullahi wa barakaatuH" Mukhriz said to his right and left shoulders.

Both finished the prayer, after a long long time
They both turn back to their lord. Mukhriz raised his hands making dua " Astaghfirullah.....Ya Allah keep us and our family safe from harm. Ya Allah....grant us and our family a peaceful environment. Ya Allah....grant us a long life. Ya Allah please protect my family. Please give guidance and guide us......."

He kept on making a dua his wife close her eyes while tears were falling out. As she was saying Ameen.

After they were done making dua Mukhriz turn back to his wife she smile "thank you. Today I feel so wistful. We haven't prayed together for a long time."
He nodded "that's right. I hope we can continue doing it." Shahnaz nodded while Mukhriz wiped her tears "if Harraz were here, he'd certainly be happy."


At work

Nurin was in her office cabin she look up saw Ash passing by "psst" she whisper yell call him, he turn to Nurin and look at her. "Come here" he walk towards her Nurin kept lookin  around "what's the matter? It's good that you call me. Beside, I have completed my work.....what are you looking at?"

"First I thought you quit your job the other day?"
Ash nodded  "something came up but I'm soon"

She nodded "it's nothing. I'm checking if Sara is around. But, it isn't safe here. Have you had your breakfast?"

"Not yet. Is it your treat?" Ash said smiling
Nurin look at him like "yes, it's my treat." He nodded
"I'm broke right now" Nurin chuckle "that's terrible. Okay, let's go" "let's go" Nurin got up


At Ahad's house

Ahad parents were having their breakfast
"Where's your son?" Lema look around "he'll be coming down soon. honey when he's here, ask him...about Nurin." He chuckle "I'm not going to ask. Let him tell us himself." Lema put her fork down and look up "he'd never do that." She pick her fork

"Salam Alaikum" Ahad said coming close
"Good morning Mother, father"

"Wa Alaikum Salam"
"Good morning"

Ahad sat besides his mother "how are you?" Ahad question drinking The orange juice "I'm okay. Especially when I look at my handsome son" Ahad smile at them.

"Just father? What about me?" Ahad look at her "mother, you're always fine." Ahad started laughing
"Okay, eat with me" Ahad pick a sandwich to eat

Lema Put her chair close to Ahad and look at him, Ahad notice her gaze and sigh he knew now what will she say, "not now, mother. It's way too early"

"Ahad, to wait for you to come home early that would never happen. You always come home late at night. When can we talk?"

Ahad look at her annoyingly "there's nothing to talk about." "Please."

"Mother. If we talk about this now, I won't be able to have my breakfast."

"Okay. When you're ready, let us know." Ahad dad said

Lema nodded tapping his Shoulder, Ahad put his sandwich down looking at them "what do you mean?"

Nurin put her phone on the table, showing him the pictures she took of Sara and Adil, she forward to Ash.

Ash look at the picture and zoom it "what's so strange about it? You know how she is....this women, she can act like a prostitute sometimes." "Yes, I know but there's something wrong with this picture. Look carefully." Ash look at the picture again "what's wrong with this? It looks normal to me."

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