Chapter 27

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Next day

Mukhriz was standing near his mirror wearing his watch, he was all dress up. Shahnaz call him
"Honey" he turn around "hm" she came closer to him. "No matter what happens....I really hope that Sara won't become my daughter in law."

"That will be difficult. She has proof. If she makes it public, we'll be shamed. Harraz, even more so. It will be trouble to our business and the media will take it to the next level." Shahnaz look up sad

"I feel sorry for Nurin. She has tired her best to Change Harraz. She almost succeeded. And I know....that she loves him very much, and I also know....that she deserves to become his wife not sara." Mukhriz sadly nodded "we'll leave it to fate. Regarding Harraz's marriage partner. I've to go now." Shahnaz nodded hugged him.


Harraz was too dress up, he came out of his room holding ouro "whatever....happend today, I won't forget you. Anyway ouro thank you, for being a very good listener. Okay I'll be going now" he kissed her head.

He pick his phone and turn around "remember ouro
Watch over the house properly and don't be hopeful." He said walking away


Nurin was in the office, discussing her work with her coworkers. Harraz entered the room and spotted her.
He closed his eyes, knowing he had to let her go, and walked to the elevator with her out of his mind. Nurin turned around and saw him walking away, and she dashed after him.

"Harraz Harraz......Harraz" she call him but he immediately got inside the elevator Nurin run but the elevator close.
He closed his eyes in frustration, unsure what to say to Nurin or how to explain himself; no one would believe him.

She sigh holding her tears.

Alia and Nuh were sitting on the sofa
Alia tears were falling out, as they also found out about Harraz. "I feel sorry for Nurin. They gave her hope and took it away from her. It's like they were toying with her." Nuh nodded "I know. But, what can we do?" Alia wiped her tears "I don't know I was told that....he has to marry that women. Our daughters life has been turned upside down." Nuh nodded "I'll have a word with Mukhriz later."

Alia shake her head "It'd be pointless to talk to him, if Harraz has his way with that women. He's such a terrible person! I thought he had changed, but he just getting worse!"
Nuh hold her hands "we don't know what really happened." She pull her hands away "what do you mean by 'we don't know?' He was caught in close proximity. That women was In his House!" She shouted "it's good that Nurin knows about it now. Once they're married, it'd be too late!" Nuh look at her

"Let's just accept that it just wasn't mean to be."
Alia glare at him "you make it Sound so simple. Wasn't meant to be? This really sickens me." Nuh hugged her "that's enough"


"NO ! I won't marry Sara! It won't solve anything, father. In fact, it'll make matters worse!" Harraz was in his private room having a meeting with his dad.
Mukhriz got up "but, you know now it'll affect us, don't you?" Harraz got up and said in a serious tone

"I LOVE NURIN" Mukhriz look at him
"Don't involve Nurin. Just because I like her to be with you. Don't put this on her. I don't want to destroy her future"

Harraz step close to him "I love Nurin. I don't want to marry someone else. I won't marry Sara! Father
You love me, don't you?" He nodded "I know you love me. Because I'm your only son. I'm sorry about what happened last night. I'm sorry that I've shamed you. That I've shamed our family. But please think About this carefully. Do you want Sara to become your daughter in law?" He paused and continued.

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