Chapter 21 -

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For nearly an hour, Ahad was in Harraz's office working on the designs with him.

"Ahad," Harraz said as he closed his laptop.

"Hmm" Ahad replied still Focus on the designs.

"I really hope you can help us to get back the Eco-city concept project in Kedah." Ahad nodded looking up "I'll try. But......with a design like this, I'm confident." Harraz smile "this is nurin's design." Ahad chuckled "I know." Harraz nodded "so"

"So, let's go eat first. I have something to talk to you about." Harraz look up "let's go" both got up and walk out.

Harraz and Ahad were in the restaurant sitting down eating. Harraz was eating enjoying his food. While Ahad was leaning back on his chair and straight looking at Him. Harraz notice him and said, "if you have a question to ask me, just go ahead."
"Hm" Ahad replied came, he was thinking about what he wanted to discuss about.

"Okay" he said leaning front "I'll ask you this for one last time. This is the last time I'm going to ask you."

Harraz put his fork down, he sounded serious
"Are you sure you don't have anything going on with Nurin?" Harraz quickly nodded eating his food not looking at Ahad.

"Yes I am, I don't have anything with her."
"Sure" he nodded "yes I'm sure"

"why are you asking?" Ahad thought for sec
"Okay, if you're sure that you don't have feelings for Nurin.... and you only see her professionally as your employee...I....want to propose to her." Harraz look up.

He had never felt anything like it before, as if someone was ripping his heart out. Worse, his heart was racing but he didn't show it since he didn't want Ahad to notice.

"P-propose to her to be what?"

"I want to propose to her to be my wife. Harraz....I'm ready bro, I'm ready for her..... to be my wife."

Harraz looked down at his food, unsure what to say but certain he didn't like what he was hearing, so he played with his food. He has lost his appetite.

"are you serious? This isn't a joking matter." Ahad started laughing he lean back

"Harraz. Do I look like I'm joking? Harraz IM IN LOVE WITH NURIN."

"What if she rejects you?"

Ahad nodded "if she doesn't want me. I.... I haven't thought about that" Harraz look up as if he wanted to kill Ahad "but, if she won't accept me... I have to accept it. But, I must try, Harraz." Harraz nodded

"okay, what do you want me to help you with?"

Ahad lean forward again "I want you to bring Nurin to meet me. But just her. I don't want her to bring anyone else" Harraz lean back "Ahad, why me? Isn't there anyone else?" "Harraz try to understand you're her boss. She'll listen to you" there was this minutes of silence Ahad was waiting for his answer

Harraz look up "okay" Ahad smile "that's my bro" he then pick his fork and started eating.
While Harraz was feeling uneasy.


Nurin and her sister Ariana were shopping in the mall, Ariana smiled as she held Nurin's hand.

"I have the best sister, she bought me my favorite things"
Nurin laugh at her "Wow" Ariana nodded

Later they got home, Ariana was in Nurin's room.
They were looking through there shopping bags. Just then her phone started ringing, she answered

Ahad: salam Alaikum

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