Chapter 26

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Harraz stare at the people eight to nine men were standing one of the men step forward. Harraz made a confused face.

"Salam Alaikum" the man said in a serious tone
" Wa Alaikum Salam" Harraz reply the man show his Id to Harraz "We're from FBI we were informed that there's drugs in this house, and you bring women to your place forcefully" With that he push past Harraz and walk inside.

Harraz follows him. Sara was laying on the couch in a short dress, which caught everyone's attention. The man turned to face Harraz. They started searching his house and found some drugs inside the guest room.

"Sir we have found it"

Hearing the noise Sara open her eyes fake sleeping.

"What's going on?" Sara said standing up quickly.

The man were taking Harraz along with him. Sara behind them was trying to explain. The man turn around "we'll discuss it when we get to the office." "Please, sir I didn't do anything." Harraz said with panic in his voice.

Harraz was concerned about the whole situation; he was terrified since he had Nurin this time, and he was concerned about Nurin.

How would she react when she learns that he was caught at his house with a girl and drugs? Everyone knew he switched women every day, but since Nurin entered his life, he slowly stop.

Harraz look at Sara "Sara, please tell them!" Sara turn around "what?" She said rudely "what should I tell them? You brought me here to your house! And if I didn't give.... You" they were both pull in the van with the FBI.

Adil, who was lurking behind the tree, shot images of them. He grins as he looks through the photos.

"This women can really act why hasn't she been hired by a director?" He said swiping through the picture he took.


Nurin was in her room sitting on her bed smiling
She pick the ring which Harraz had bought special only for her. "Ya Allah, I thought he was joking. He was actually serious. Ya's true I really do care about him.....I love him. Im so thankful" she kissed the ring.

"Nurin" Alia knocked on her door Nurin quickly hide the ring, Alia enter Pouting "yes" Nurin replied smiling "Nurin come eat with me."

"I'm full"

"it won't take long." Alia pouted with sad face "my goodness, where's that fatty?" She was referring to her sister Ariana.

Ali nodded "well, she's gone back to her Dorm"
Nurin got up from her bed
"Please" Alia said, Nurin smile and hugged her tight
"What's going on? Tell me." "Let's go downstairs."
Alia hold her hands "share with me"
"I will"


Adil was looking though the pictures he smirk

Flash back

Sara got up while Harraz was in his room showering or freshening up. She wasn't asleep, she was just pretending to be. She dashed towards the door, slowly but steadily unlocking it. Adil got access to the premises.

Sara hold his arm and bought him to were she was sleeping "shhh" she said to adil and sat on the couch.

Adil from his pocket took out a small camera and hide inside the sofa, it was close to where Sara was sleeping. He quickly with napkin give sara the drugs where she immediately took it to the guest room and placed it under the Pillow Adil turn to Sara "all good" "this time, our plan will definitely succeed. Okay let's go" she said holding his hand walking him out to the door.

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