Chapter 51 -Nikkah.

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"Nuirn, wake up. I'm here. What should we do, honey?" Alia said sobbing and holding Nurin's hand.
"What if she doesn't wake up? The wedding would have to be canceled." Nuh walk over to her and said "Alia. Be patient. With our daughter's condition, we shouldn't even think about the wedding."

Just then the room door open Harraz walk in "Salam Alaikum" Alia and Nuh look up "wa Alaikum Salam"
Harraz walk over to Nuh and hugged him while looking at Nuirn.

Harraz slowly pull back and step toward Nurin.
His tears started falling he Lean close to her face "Nurin" he whisper "harraz" Alia call him.

He look up at her "you just got engaged. You shouldn't do that." Alia said trying to tell him to step back.

Nuh look at Alia unbelievably Harraz was hurt, he was crying to see Nurin his soon to be wife in this state. While Alia and her attitude "Alia come with me.....I'm hungry...let's eat" Nuh said holding her hand to get her to stand up

"But, our daughter..." "Harraz can watch over her. Come on"

they walk close to the door. When Harraz heard Alia saying "remember your only engaged not married yet" while Nuh closing the door.

He stare at her with different emotions, her head was first bandage and a soft head scarf was around her head covering her hair.

"Nuirn...get well soon..." his tears were falling like a River. he slowly hold her hand in his. Holding it tight "we are getting week please don't leave me alone. I don't know how to do things alone."
He left her hand carefully and sat down in the ground in his knees leaning close to her.

"If we look at the bandage, mine was worse" he chuckle.  "please wake up"

Harraz just stay close near her. Time passed by he had fallen asleep while holding her hand.

Nuh slowly enter the room and saw Harraz holding her hand. He slowly tapped his shoulder "Harraz...Harraz" Harraz quickly open his eyes looking around and got up his knees were hurting. "Go home...and get some rest. If there's any new development about Nurin, I'll call you."

"Okay" Nuh said

"Okay" Harraz said nodding


Harraz took shower and after praying he sat down raising his hand to his creator "ya Allah...I beg of give her the strength to overcome her ailment. Give me the chance..." he close his eyes "to enjoy my life with her. To share the rest of my life with her....Ameen"

He saw Ouro coming close to him and sat on his lap "Ouro your mother is hurt."


Harraz came back to the hospital. He saw the doctors checking her up no new sign or symptoms were showing, so the doctors left her room.

Harraz just stayed in his place looking at his Jaan.
He was running out sabr, he sighed and said "when will you wake up, Nurin?" It sounded like he scolded her. He walk toward her bed and hold her hand. "I love you Jaan."

Days passed by, Harraz would always stay by her side holding her hand. Sometimes he would cry, smile. He walk back and fourth the room "Nurin....please don't be like this. It has been a few days." He chuckle "y-you said you wanted to wake up. It's okay...I'm faithful to you." He took deep breath and wiped his tears and open the Quran and sat next to her reading it loud for her to hear too.

Next day

He enter her room with fresh flowers in his hand. Putting it the table he smile at her and said "Today is even better I've bought flower for you. I thought you'd wake up" he look at her no response his smile disappeared "please na Jaan wake up. It has been days."

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