Chapter 17

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Sara arrives at the restaurant to meet Dato, the project's boss, who has given Nurin the project. Dato is the one who wishes to have Nurin all to himself. Sara noticed him waiting for her near the front door. She approaches him.
She put her hand on his shoulder and he turned around, smiling. "Hello," she said.

"Dato, you can't just keeping looking ahead. What if your enemy suddenly approaches you?" Dato look at his watch "your late!"


"what is it that you want to discuss with me?" She smirk "it's about Nurin" he smirk hearing her name.
"Let's go inside"

Later they were seated "so what is it about her?" Dato question leaning back on his chair.

"Okay....I want to ask you. Out of all the proposals, why did you choose Nurins proposal?" He chuckled
"Simple her proposal is the best one amongst all of them. But, don't get me wrong the decision was made by the board of directors unanimously. My own Personal opinion the other reason is because she's.....beautiful"

Sara started laughing "beautiful? Dato are you serious?"

"There's something about her...... is very attractive. She has something in her that's very raw and genuine. Simple said, she has a wow factor"

"Okayy.....stop it before I throw up! I guess that means you really want her."

"Of course" Dato said "but, you've already filled up your quota."

"I know but I can always reject one..... " "in that case, you'll have to have her." Sara
Said smirking.

"But, there a problem she's engaged." Dato said

"Engaged? To whom?" Sara question in surprise.
"I don't know your boss told me. "

"I didn't know that she's engaged. Anyway even if she is surely your not going to back off?" Sara said
He started laughing "No no way I'm not backing off I'll just have to work little harder."

Sara smile "well, I like your attitude so i have plan"

Next day Dato called Harraz and told him
To meet him in the restaurant by evening with Nurin since she's working on the project. Other companies members will be there too.

Harraz call Eva and told her to send Nurin in his office.

After a few minutes

Nurin came to his room knocking she walk to his desk, he look up and saw Nurin smiling "why are you smiling?" "Um, won't you ask me to take seat?"

"Don't be silly"

"I'll take a seat okay?" He nodded

"Why did you want to see me?" He close his laptop

"Are you free tonight?" He question looking at her hands.

"I'm not doing anything tonight why?" Harraz nodded "did Eva tell you about the eco city project?" She nods "you have to go"

Nurin made sad face "but, I'm shy."
"Why are you shy?" Harraz look at her eyes "I'm not used to it." Nurin said honestly

"Don't worry. You have me. We'll go together."

Nurin's heart was pounding furiously. Her sentiments for him have shifted at this point. She doesn't realize she likes him, but he's changed since the first time they met; now he respects her and is serious about her.

"Don't give excuses." Harraz said

"If you're around me i won't feel shy." She said playing with her fingers.

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