Chapter 24 - he wouldn't dare

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Nurin look at them with disgusted face "I'm sorry to disturb you" she was about to turn away when Sara quickly walk up to her. "Nurin. I'm sorry."

Sara made a sad face "I didn't have a choice" Sara added. "

Nurin fake smile "Don't be sorry. I'm the one who's in the wrong. Wrong time, and wrong people." She said straight looking at Harraz in the eyes.

Harraz was speechless since everything had transpired so quickly. Nurin was upset, disappointed, and angry.
Harraz noticed Nurin's eyes as she walked out of the room.

He became enraged and rose from his seat, slowly approaching Sara, who turned to face him.

"Well, I came to tell you about the design." Sara said smirking. Harraz look at her unbelievably "you did that on purpose. You wanted to hurt Nurin's feelings"

Sara smile "why would I do that?" She lean close "why, Harraz? Have you fallen in love with her? Do you want to make her your next victim?" She said stepping back looking at her nails.

Harraz was in front of her, ready to kill her.

"She's different from others."

"She's different? Is that possible for a playboy like you? All the women you see they're just your playthings, your victims." She turn to face him "ohhhhh, she wears a hijab? Is that why she's different? All your others victims didn't wear it."




Nurin was crying in her cabin, and her tears would not stop.

"He'll never change" she said standing up wiped her tears and turn her computer off taking her purse walking out, Eric and Ash walk up to her.

"where are you going?" Ash question looking concern Nurin look down "I'm going home."

"Come to my office" Erica offered "what's wrong? Are you ill?" Ash ask softly. Nurin smiled sheaking her head "no. I'm fine I just want to go home. That's all" she said walking away.


Harraz lean close to Sara "so what if I'm in love with her? She's certainly different from you....and all the other women in my life." Sara lean close and hold his hands when Harraz push away her "No" he walk past her she pull his shirt "get out now" he said walking out looking for Nurin.

Nurin was in the lobby, about to exit the building when she felt someone grasp her wrist and drag her away, she gasped and landed on Harraz arms. She pushed him and took a step back, saying, "Let go of me," as she walked to her car, Harraz following behind her.

"Why did you leave my room just now?" When she heard his voice she stop in her place and slowly turn to face him, with her teary eyes.
He was three feet away.

Harraz step forward "didn't I say that I wanted to see you?" He said in serious tone.

Nurin was controlling her tears "you had a guest just now. I didn't want to bother you." He step close "are you jealous?"

"Being jealous is waste of time!"

Harraz nodded "if you're not jealous, you shouldn't have done that. It was rude!" Nurin nodded "YES IM BEING RUDE SO WHAT HARRAZ HUH?" She raise her voice at him and walk up to her car to open the door when Harraz block her way.

"IM STILL YOUR BOSS." Both of their eyes are fixed on each other. Nurin took a step back and said, "Not anymore." She swiftly opened the car door and climbed inside, locking the doors.

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