Chapter 9 -Ahad or Mr. Ahad.

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Nurin was in her cabin on her phone. when Ahad came to her desk, "hi... I mean salamalykum" Nurin look up "walykumsalam" Nurin replied meeting his eyes.

'Who are you actually Ahad, harraz driver? I don't think so'  Nurin thought.

She move her thoughts to aside. "Are you here to see the boss?" Nurin question. Ahad shook his head smiling "and then?"

Ahad said, "I'm here to see you. I miss you"
"You're such a sweet talker." Nurin said smiling rolling her eyes.
"You look pretty -" Ahad said but he was cut of by Eva. "Nurin, Mr Harraz wants to see you, now." Eva said coming close

"But why?" Nurin ask her smile disappeared.
"I don't know" Eva replied walking away.
"The boss is calling. I'm sorry, I have to go" Nurin said standing up and walking past him. Ahad look at Nurin until she disappeared, He sigh.


Harraz was in his office, typing on his computer.
When he heard a Knock. "Just come in. You don't have to knock" Harraz said not looking up from his laptop.  Nurin came inside. "I have to knock, just in case you're up to something." Nurin said coming close to his desk "why do you want to see me?" Nurin said

Harraz finally look up to her, he look at her eyes. They were staring at each other, Nurin felt uncomfortable "do you have to stare at me?" Nurin said Harraz removed his gaze embarrassed.

"There.......I..I want you to sort out those files. Chronologically. Make it into one file, if you're unsure about anything ask Eva."

Nurin sighs as she turns her head to look at the files; he knew she couldn't reach them. She couldn't handle it since it was too high.

She turn back to Harraz. "you're the only one who has nothing to do." Harraz said typing again.

Nurin walked over to the files. She moved her hand forward to pull out some files, but the file fell and smacked her on the head, then fell to the ground.

"Ya Allah." Nurin said out loud, Harraz turn toward her "do it properly! You're so clumsy."

Nurin look at him unbelievably, "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. I just hurt my head." Nurin said touching her head.
Harraz sigh, and got up from his chair.
"you always shout at other people" Nurin said in a whisper but loud enough so he can hear.

Nurin sat down and began collecting papers when Harraz suddenly bent down to her level.
They were only two inches apart. Nurin was focused on gathering the paperwork. Harraz chose one of the papers. He examines her lips. Also, get a little closer. Nurin looked up and saw them staring at each other.

Nurin suddenly looked down and gathered the papers.
Harraz did not avert his gaze or shift his position.
Nurin raised her head again, his gaze fixed on her. Nurin became anxious and looked down, quickly collecting the papers. Mukhriz Harraz's father then entered the office. He got close enough to see them. "What have you two been up to?" Mukhriz remarked

Harraz and Nurin leapt to their feet, Harraz visibly frightened. For a brief moment, he had some different kind of feelings for her.

"Father, you didn't tell me that you're coming." Harraz said looking at his dad.
Mukhriz didn't say anything. "I would like to excuse myself. Please excuse me uncle" Nurin said walking away.

"what did you do to Nurin, something doesn't seem right." Mukhriz said getting serious
Harraz for the first time, didn't wanted to face his dad. "Nothing, dad I just gave her an assignment." Harraz replied
" really? Then why was she blushing?"
"Nothing, are you here for anything important?" Harraz said changing the topic.
"So I get to see my son only when there is something important? I would like to have lunch with you. It's been a while since we last had lunch together. Let's go" Mukhriz said Harraz nodded with smile, Mukhriz started walking away.

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