Chapter 11 - The accident.

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Next day


Harraz was startled awake by the sound of his alarm clock. When he opened his eyes, he saw his cat standing next to him. Harraz smiled and kissed her as he awoke. He promptly got up, showered, and changed.
He was now all set to go to work.


Ahad change his clothes, He pick his phone up and call Nurin with a smile.

Ahad: Salamalykum

Nurin: walykumsalam

Ahad: Nurin, I woke up this morning...I suddenly felt like I missed you.
Nurin smile

Nurin: don't be silly.

Ahad started laughing

Ahad: it isn't wrong, is it?

Nurin: of course not.

Ahad: look I know your busy. But I'd like to have lunch with you today.

Nurin: your treat?

Ahad: of course!!

Nurin: okay, sure but, it won't be just the two of us. I will invite someone else OK?

Ahad: I don't mind as long as you agree to have lunch with me.

Nurin: in that case I will invite Eva.

Ahad: okay, I'll see you later

Nurin: all right bye

Nurin disconnected the call, she smile


Harraz came at the company, parked his car and began strolling through the doors.
His spy assistant called to tell him that he had found a match but Harraz rejected it because it wasn't her, so he urged him to keep looking.


Harraz was in his office, Eva came to his office near his desk "Mr. Harraz" Eva said
Harraz look up "put it down here"
Eva nodded and put the files down.
She just stood there. Harraz notice it "what is it?"
"I'm having lunch with Nurin today." Eva said

"So?" Harraz said looking at his computer.

"Well, Ahad will be joining us." Harraz look up

"Why is he so eager to have lunch with you?" Harraz said

"I think there's something going on between them. But, I don't want to interfere. All that matters is that my lunch is free. There's nothing wrong with that. Okay I'll be going now" Eva said walking away.

Leaving Harraz feeling uneasy.


Nurin was working on her assignment. When Harraz came near her desk. "Follow me" he said
Nurin look up to him. "Where are we going?"
"Just come with me. What's the problem?"

"Do I need to change my clothes? Maybe, it's a wedding or something."

"Are you being funny" Harraz said seriously

"No, I can't just go with you." Nurin said looking at him. He was glaring at her
Nurin felt it "okay... let me get ready."

"Now, Nurin," he said as she set the papers aside.
"Yes, please wait," she said as she hurriedly tucked everything away. When she picks up the pencils to put them away, they all fall out. Nurin looks at Harraz carefully, and Harraz just stares at her.

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