Chapter 2 -First day (Rewritten)

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Harraz POV

I woke up with a severe headache, reluctantly got out of bed and realized that I had been drinking at the club the night before. I went to the restroom to take a shower and I quickly dried myself afterward. I dressed up looked at the time, and realized I was late; today I have a meeting with my father; I'm not sure why but he contacted me yesterday and said he needed to speak with me. I dashed out of my flat, clutching my phone

After 20 minutes I arrived there, I quickly ran to my dad office everyone started greeting me.
I went inside dad was already sitting and waiting for me.

"Sorry i'm little late." I said taking a seat.
"Walykumsalam son" my dad replied sarcastically
"Okay, what this meeting about" I said looking at him.
"Okay. Aren't you looking for a architect" my dad said. I nodded "yea, my old one retired, so I am looking for someone that is qualified for this job."
My dad nodded "well I got someone for you, no need to look for one" my dad said with smirk.

"Is it a male or female" I question with smirk I was hoping it would be girl. I need someone new.
"Female" he replied
I nodded. "You will interview her, and accept her" my dad said getting serious.

"I will interview her let's see if she's qualified or not. I want to know who is this girl, my dad personally recommended it"
I said getting up and leaving.

Later Mukhriz khan wife shahnaz khan came in his office

Author POV

Shahnaz came in sat on a chair, she wanted to know what kind of interview her husband had with her son. So he explain about Nurin, why he wants her to work in this company.
"I saw Nurin, she's beautiful most importantly she's religious modest, respects everyone. I thought if she can change my son. They would a perfect couple." Mukhriz said looking at his wife
Shahnaz smiled "that's good, that will always be my dream, my son settling down with a girl.

Next Day

Nurin woke up she quickly took a shower, dry her hair. Wore her clothes and prayed, she came downstairs her parents were having breakfast.
"Salamalykum mama and baba" Nurin said coming close to them and kissing their cheek.
"Walykumsalam my beautiful daughter"
"I am gonna leave for an interview pray for me" Nurin said "inshallah you will do good" Nuh said with smile.

Later Nurin arrived in Harraz Holdingz, where she parked her car in front of a large and gorgeous structure. She enters and inquires about her interview with the receptionist. The receptionist directed her to room 1 on the 10th floor. She gave a nod and began going toward the elevator

Nurin waited for the elevator to open. Ahad, who was across her was also waiting for the elevator to open. Ahad stowed his phone. His gaze landed on Nurin as he looked about. "Hello," he greeted with a smile as he approached her. Nurin turned to face him, and he was taken aback by her beauty.
Nurin fake smile and nod. "Are you a first-time visitor? You're someone I've never seen before!" Ahad inquires, a smile on his face. Nurin said-looking down "I'm here for an interview."

Ahad grinned once more. He already liked her and was scanning her until she looked up at him which made her feel uneasy. "Architect," ahad said, to which Nurin nodded, "Since I guessed right what's your name?" Standing tall alongside her, Ahad inquires.
Nurin looks at him with a puzzled expression on his face. Nurin responded, "Do you have to know?" Ahad fake laugh getting a little embarrass. When Nurin made a serious face, his laugh faded.
"I'm sorry, my name is Ahad," he added, reaching out his hand to her. Nurin looked down at his hand and smiled as she nodded her head. "My name is Nurin," Ahad slowly put his hand down nodding in agreement! Nurin was becoming increasingly nervous and uneasy.

"You are here to see Harraz khan?" Ahad said again, breaking the stillness. Nurin nodded as Ahad asked her a question.
Nurin rolled her eyes as Ahad nodded, "well, maybe I can give you a few advice, number one, I wish you all the best luck, you have to be strong..... because Harraz khan is a very charming guy," Ahad added.
"And I don't think He'll let go of someone as beautiful as you," Ahad says, "but don't fall in love... or then I'll be envious." With a wounded expression on his face, Ahad responded.
Nurin's eyes widen, and she turns away from him. Just not wanting to hear his nonsense suddenly his phone rang, so he walked away, which Nurin was grateful for. Nurin hastily entered the elevator as it opened.

End of chapter

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