Chapter 48 -Engagement Date

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Harraz knew she had an answer now, and he wanted to know what's her answer. He was excited he slowly walk up to her desk. Nurin head was down as she was drawing the building designs.

He put his hands in his pocket pants and stood tall with smirk "how did it go?" Harraz said

Nurin put her pencil down and look up "what?"

His smirk disappear "what's the result of your meeting with my mother?" He said his expression were changing.

Nurin put her hand under chin and look at Harraz "what kind of results do you want? Exam results for SPM, UPSR, PML or STIM?"

Harraz look around getting annoyed "you love to make jokes."

"I don't know yet." Nurin said looking down.
"What are you waiting for?"

Nurin try hard not smile seeing him getting annoyed and little scared "just wait for your mother reply."

"Really? She knows" Harraz said getting happy "why didn't she tell me?"

"How should I know?" Nurin said rolling her eyes

"We've a meeting, right?" Harraz nodded
"Are you ready?" Nurin got up "let's go then" she said walking ahead.

*in the meeting room

Everyone was seated "first of all I would like to apologize to everyone for Abandoning all of you. Without any notice. I realized that it was the biggest mistake I had ever done. But..... I admit that running away doesn't solve anything." He said looking into Nurin's eyes.

"So today, I am back with renewed sprit to strengthen Harraz holdings. Haziq, as the senior architect from my fathers Company's, I'd like to thank you for helping me." Haziq nod with a smile

"And...I'm counting on your leadership" he walk toward where Nurin was seated "Nurin" he call
She look up at him "I'm also counting on your creativity. As for the rest, please give me your cooperation."

"Don't worry, Mr. Harraz. We work as a team" Harraz nodded "okay I know that a few key personnel have left this company. But, that's normal from now on all of us will together-" he was cut off when his phone notification went off
He immediately stop talking and pull his phone out

From Mom🤍

Congratulations, Harraz. Nurin has agreed to be your wife.

A smile came to his lips, his heart started beating
He was running out of breath still looking at the message again to confirm "what should we do together, Mr. Harraz?" Nurin question

Harraz look up smiling "Get married"

"What?" Nurin said

"Get married?" Haziq said repeating his question.
Harraz realized what he said out of excitement
He chuckle touching his head "um...ah...No. I'm sorry.....where was I?"

"Get married? Mr. Harraz, I don't mind" Salma said laughing.

Harraz shake her head "No! All of us will together....I can't finish the sentence"

Nurin look down smiling

"So, let's postpone this meeting. No, not postpone it. Haziq, please continue. I've got to go"

Harraz said quickly walking out of the office.

Everyone laugh haziq got up "let's forget about marriage for now. We'll continue with our discussion. I want all of you to prepare your best design.

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