Chapter 5 - Late on the first day (RW)

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Next day

Alia Nurin's mother walks into Nurin's room. Nurin was found sleeping on her prayer rug. Nurin's shoulders were gently tapped by her. Nurin did not answer when Alia said, "Nurin get up."

"Nurin get up your getting late for your interview" Alia said which to Nurin slowly move, "mama leave me alone, I failed the interview remember now let me sleep". Changing her position, Nurin stated. Alia once again shook her hands. "Mr. Mukhriz called your father and informed him that Harraz had agreed to recruit you."
Nurin immediately open her eyes and got up "What!!! NO, I don't want to work there." Nurin said with panic in her voice.

"Nurin, you shouldn't turn down this opportunity. Now get up and get ready." Alia said getting up
" I don't want to work there. I don't want to meet that man!" Nurin faked cry
" it's fine if you don't want to meet that boy. But uncle Mukhriz has done his best to help you. What would he say?" Nurin roll her eyes
"quickly get ready, you only get ready when you're being scolded. You have to be there by 9:30 am sharp I am leaving downstairs" Alia said walking out.

At Harraz holdings company

Nurin knocked on Harraz's door, and after hearing a "come in," she entered his office slowly. She saw his back while muttering 'bismillah.' He's standing in front of the window. She was relieved since she didn't want to meet his light brown eyes.

Harraz glanced at his wristwatch and remarked, "I told you to come early, didn't I? It's 9:30 a.m. Time is 9:32 am now Did I say that? What a dismal track record. On your first day, you already have a discipline problem."

Nurin rise her eyebrows and said to her self 'my goodness. It's only two minutes. That was because I had to wait outside your office for 10 minutes.' She shook her head and said out loud "if you want to fire me now I don't mind. " Nurin said with confidence

"if it were up to me, I would love to do that.... but you're protected by my father. So I can't fire you, what's your relationship with my father? Are you his mistress?" Harraz reply still not looking at her.
Nurin couldn't believe what she heard and got angry

"I don't know what uncle Mukhriz had done to you. But, I haven't done anything with your father. We don't have any relationship. He's just my father's friend." She defended herself.

Harraz smirk "do you think I believe you? I can't fire you.... because of my father. But, since you know me now, I'll make sure you'll regret every single day that you're here. You won't feel like coming here again." Harraz then finally turn to Nurin and saw her beautiful hazel eyes. Nurin quickly look down and got nervous.

Nurin thought to her self 'what should I do? Keep quiet or admit defeat?'

Harraz spoke again "are you scared?" Nurin look up to him. "why would I be scared? If you do anything to me, I will just tell your father he cares about me." Nurin smirk this time. "Okay, mr Harraz. What should I do now?"

Harraz look at his watch and said "go to the meeting room and wait for me" Nurin nodded and slowly started walking away.

Harraz spoke to his self "are you challenging me? Calm down calm down Harraz."


Nurin has taken a seat inside the meeting room, anticipating Harraz's arrival. She's taking a look around the room, which is rather lovely. Harraz suddenly appears.

He slowly starts walking towards her.
"now that your in Harraz holdings company. Look at these. (He showed some building pictures) they're all my project. Not just here... but overseas as well.
Do you feel lucky to be here?"

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