Chapter 35 - Stay.

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Near the lake, outside Harraz and Nurin sat on the bench beneath the tree, where it was windy once more.
They were seated, but there was a six-foot gap between them. Both were facing the front, their gaze fixed on the sea.

There was a long period of stillness during which no one spoke or looked at each other.
Harraz kept his cool and took a long breath, attempting to remain emotionless.

"Why are you here?" He said still not looking at her.
"You ask me why I'm here?......I came all the way here to look for you." She responded looking straight. Anybody could tell the pain in her voice.
A tear left her eyes "I'm sorry.........I've a lot of work to do." He said walking past her faster.

"Harraz" she said looking at his back he stop in his place "you can't do this to me." Harraz slowly look at his right but still didn't fully turn to face her.

He then began walking away at a faster pace. His heart was racing, and only Allah knew how much anguish he and Nurin were in.

Nurin simply stood there, staring at him as he vanished. "Harraz," she says once more.

Harraz arrived at his usual spot near the imam's house, where he normally sits under that one tree.

He close his eyes and remembered.

Nurin, in every moment how he use to call her in his office, he made her do hard tasks to make her quite her job. How he took her out for lunch, how he saw her praying and almost saw her hair that day.
He also remembered how she was broken that day after what dato did. He remembered asking her to take care of ouro and his house. Her smile, her sadness, especially when she gets angry.

He open his eyes tears started falling he couldn't hold it anymore. He was also a human after all,

'Forgive me, nuirn.........I'm not ready.'

He wiped away his tears, he loved her.
He was crying because he felt guilty, as if he wasn't meant for her and that she deserved someone better. But, deep down, he was terrified of losing her. He reflected on the mistakes he had made during his life. Something inside of him was still incomplete, or to put it another way, his heart was still unsatisfied.

Nurin was still standing in the same place, her heart devastated. Harraz essentially gave his response. She forced herself not to cry, wiped her tears, and slowly began walking out, approaching the gate and turning around once more.

She was hoping he'd show up and stop her.
She realized he wasn't going to show up. She started walking when nooda came in front of her. She stop in her place fixing her self. "Where are you going?"

"Um...I'm leaving." She nodded "it's hard to get a taxi here. Even if there is a taxi it will be an illegal one. Never mind. Come to my house. Maybe, someone can send you. Harraz can send you too" shake her head " it's okay. I'll manage." Nooda notice she look different, hurt.

"What's wrong...that's not nice. Do you Have problem with Harraz?" She lean close "you don't have a problem with me, do you?" Nurin shake her head

"Who did you come here with?" Nurin look around "I have some work with my friends." "Friends?" Nooda said looking around.

"Where are your friend staying."

"Hotel." Nooda nodded "okay. Let's go to my house. Let's go" she said holding Nurin hand walking away with her.


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