Chapter 38 - someone is coming

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Harraz was out sitting under the tree looking at the ocean. When Abdul haqq came and sat besides him
He look at Harraz, "you're in a pensive mood.....don't you miss her?" Haqq said, there was a minute of silence Harraz didn't say anything.

"Has the cat got your tongue? Is it often said that when a person is in front of us. We tend to ignore her or him. But when she or he is far away then we start getting all kinds of feeling."

Harraz smile and turn to him "No, haqq."

"Don't deny it. We're only humans. We're all the same. We have feelings of longing affection and love." Looking at the ocean Harraz said "are you speaking from experience?"

"Who would ever want me?" Harraz nodded "well, you're a doctor. You must be quite picky" Abdul started laughing "seriously, don't you miss her?"

"I do miss her. But, I've to put aside these feelings for now. I still a have of a lot unfinished business, haqq."

Haqq turn to Harraz "you finally admit it. That's good" Abdul haqq got up "where did you send her?" Harraz quickly added.

Haqq turn around with smirk "at the hotel she's staying. You seem concerned. Good, well enjoy the view. I've got to go" he said walking away


Nurin arrived at the hospital and inquired about his room number. After determining which room he was in, she slowly opened and closed his room door.

She approached him and sat in the chair closest to the bed. Ahad opened his eyes wide.
"Salam Alaikum" she smile "Wa Alaikum Salam" he replied weakly.

Nuirn put her purse down and look at him "how are you" meeting her eyes he nodded "I thought you'd never come."

"Don't say that. I went to Kedah with Nashrin" there was this silence Ahad turn his head to other side opposite of her and said "what were you doing there? Did you become a mysterious model again?"

"No.....I just helped him out a bit." He turn his head back to her side and smile "are you sure?" Nurin nodded leaning on the bed, Ahad close his eyes "you went to look for Harraz, didn't you? Did you find him?" Nurin smile disappeared "how did you know?"
He didn't reply Nurin look at his close eyes

"I found him."

Ahad look at Nurin " is he?" Nuirn look at him "he's fine" he nodded "did you convince him to come back here?" Nurin shake her head "just let him be look healthy. I've got to go now, okay?" She fake smile "take care. We'll talk again when you're discharged."

"Thank you for coming" she nodded and stood up pick her purse.

She walk away opening the door. She close it and turn around to see Lema standing in front of her.

Lema step forward "you look familiar" "um....I...ah.Auntie no, what I mean is are you lema"

"Yes okay now I remember. We met at Nashrin Lee's boutique I see um...." She look at Nuirn and the door she just came out of.

"Do you know Ahad?" She question Nurin smile, she nodded "yes, I do. We're friends." Lema nodded smiling she liked her "oh, I see okay. How did you meet him?"

"How did I meet him?" Nurin repeated the question bitting her lips "um...Lema actually I've got to run some errands. So, I'd like to excuse myself" Nurin said looking at her.

Lema smirk "okay" "Salam Alaikum" Nurin said quickly walking past her.

Suddenly Lema turn around "are you Nuirn?" Nurin stop in her place slowly she turn around she smile "yes, I Am." Nurin said walking away

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