Chapter 37 - Talk to me.

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Walking out of the elevator to the 2nd floor which was the club side VIP's only. "Do you think he knows?" Sara said stopping in her place.
Adil look at her "don't worry. He doesn't know."

Sara shake her head "but the way he spoke to me sounded like...he was suspecting something."

Adil step towards her "he was just trying to scare you." "Are you sure you didn't leave any clue?"
Putting his hand around her waist he said "I know what I'm doing. Don't worry"

She smirk "Now I'm satisfied he shouldn't mess with me." He nodded "okay, now let's go we'll celebrate our success"


After dinner Harraz quickly left, he was outside standing looking at the ocean. When Abdul haqq came behind him "harraz. You shouldn't do this. She came all the way here just to see you." Without looking at Abdul haqq Harraz said "I'm still not ready"

"But, you can't keep avoiding her." Harraz turn around and face him "I'm scared, haqq. I feel ashamed to even look at her in the eyes. If possible, I don't want to do it anymore"

"Harraz....that's enough. Don't be like this. Let's go" haqq said putting his hand around his shoulders.

Both started walking towards the house, "I don't feel tired when walking with you" haqq said they both stop when they saw Nurin sitting on the stairs close to the door. Nurin look up at them

Haqq look at Harraz "I'm going in first." He said walking past her.

Now it was only Nuirn and Harraz left alone.
Harraz took baby steps towards the stairs. He slowly look at Nurin, she was looking at her right ignoring him.

He started feeling unease trying to not cry in front of her he look down at his hands finally saying "how are you?"

"I'm fine." Still looking at his hands he said "I'll ask again. Why did you come here?" And he look up meeting her eyes, she stare back at him "the answer remains the same. I am here to look for you." A tear left her eye

"Didn't I tell you? I'm a bad person." He said looking away tears were falling off. "I don't deserve to be by your side" Nurin chuckle "right now...right now, this isn't about me, this is about your parents. Your company. The people who works for you....and everyone around you have you ever thought of that?"

"I don't have an answer. I'm going in" he was on the third step when Nurin stood up from her spot, looking at him "are you running away? Do you want to stay away? Would it solve your problem? Are they solved? By doing this, you burden everyone else with your problem." She said in serious tone pointing her finger at him, her noise was red tears weren't stopping.

"Do you understand? I had a great respect... for Harraz khan whom I used to know. I saluted his style. He was firm and unwavering but, tonight you've proven me wrong. You're actually a coward!" She said raising her voice at him.

Harraz knew where this was going, she only needed a hug right now. He hide his emotions making a serious face "what else?" He said

Nurin lean close "you left me all alone in Kuala Lumpur. Have you ever considered my feelings?" She said sobbing "I'm waiting for an answer from you" she was two inches away.

" have you ever considered my feelings even a little bit? Have you?" She realize what she was doing
She just letting her heart in front of him, she slowly step back "have... have you ever tried putting yourself in my shoes?" He said now it was his turn.

He wiped his tears "have you? Have you ever been..... publicly ashamed before? Have you ever felt humiliated? When someone violated your dignity? No, you haven't! I was really hurt." Harraz voice crack he was being emotional more tears started falling.

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