Chapter 40

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When they learned of his untimely death, everyone was at the imam's house. The entire village rushed to his house. While he was in his clinic, Abdul Haqq was informed about his father.
He got up and hurried towards his house, leaving everything behind.

Harraz was in the shop working when he was Inform that nooda had called him home. Harraz then left the shop.

Abdul haqq sat by his mother and hugged her
"Sabr" ( patience) the only word haqq could say. He controlled himself not to cry. He patted her back.
Nooda started sobbing in his arms.

Harraz enter the house, his heart was beating like never before. He slowly walk and sat where his body was covered by white cloth.

Tears started falling from his eyes.

Ahad's house

Ahad touch his head and turn to his parents where they are sitting. "Why Couldn't you at least discuss it with me first?" He said in Serious tone.

While lema was smiling at him. "But instead, you just went for it!" He said annoyingly

"Ya Allah, what's the problem?"

Ahad's dad Lean forward "I didn't know about this. I just went along with her." He said innocently
Lema glare at him "Ahad, I really like her. And I think she's perfect for you."

Ahad just stare at her.

Nurin look at the ring box; which was given to her by Ahad parents. Nurin look up at her parents "No. Mother, father. It's not about weather he's suitable or not. Why didn't you discuss it with me first? At least ask me." Nurin said.

"Yes, I know. But, how is Ahad...any worse from Harraz?" Nurin shake her head for some reason she was controlling not to cry in front of them.

"The thing is, I'm not ready. I'm not ready at all." Alia look between her husband and Nurin.


Ahad sat on the sofa looking at his parents "yes, I am ready. But, I don't know about Nurin." Lema nodded
"If you're ready, what's the problem?"

Ahad took deep breath and said, "the problem is, we don't know if....Nurin is in love with someone or not. We don't know."

"With whom? Huh Harraz?"

"Mother, father. Right now, Harraz is not the reason. Harraz isn't the reason. I didn't  study for my master's degree just to get married."

"Nuirn. Your giving too many excuses. You can still work when you're married." Alia said in serious tone.

Nurin felt uneasy if your mother wouldn't understand you or your feelings then who else.

"Father!" Nurin said hoping that he would understand. Nuh sigh "I'll accept whatever is best for you. Okay? Make the decision yourself." Nuh touch her shoulder.

"That's enough." Alia said getting upset. But Nurin had no intention to hurt her feelings.

"I don't mind. It's up to you." Lema agreed with her husband. "Isn't that right, honey? See?" She look at Ahad.

Ahad hold his hands together and said "I'm not going to make any decision. Okay? I won't say anything. The entirely up to Nurin."
He said what was in his mind.

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