Chapter 28 - I still have a chance with you.

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Here's another early update.



Nurin was in her cabin along with her teams members. They were talking and laughing. Just then Sara enter

"hello everyone" she said they all look up
Everyone quickly started working. Some look at the papers, computer or acting like they were busy.

Sara smile drop she tap on the desk "what's wrong with you people? Can't you see your new boss with her red lips and expensive glittery outfit?" Everyone look at each other controlling not to laugh.

"Don't you want to wish me a good morning?"
Everyone smile

"Goooood morning, boss" everyone said it at the same time. Fake smiling at her

"Is there anything else, boss?" Everyone said it at the same time

Sara glare at them "are you mocking me?"

"No, boss"

"Okay thank you. And you Nurin where are Eric and Ash?"

"Eric is in his room, boss" again everyone said
"Okay. Nurin Eddie, Ash, Eric I want a meeting with all of you later. As for the rest get back to work. If there's anything I'll be in my office"

"Okay boss" they all said.

"Can't all of you stop speaking in unison?"

"No, Boss" they did it again

Sara roll her eyes and muttered 'whatever. As long as I am the boss here.'

Sara left everyone started laughing "look at her attitude" "just ignore her" Nurin said

Sara enter her office which use to be Harraz office.
Well now is hers, she look around with smirk on her face she sat on down on the CEO chair.


The imam was walking  along with Harraz showing him the places. "I built this Madrassa more than ten years ago. Nowadays, it's Abdul haqq who is helping me a lot with it." Harraz nodded

"Are there many students here?" Harraz question "about 50 students. But, I'm looking after ten of them. They are orphans who stay in the dorm. The rest are from nearby villages."

"Where do you get the fund from?" Harraz question
Looking around "with God's will there's always enough for the children."


"Salam Alaikum" Ahad said and enter his house
"Ma" he yell looking around "walykumsalam" she replied coming downstairs "did you just arrive or did you go somewhere first?" She question

"No, I came straight home" Ahad said hugging her.
She nodded and pull back "um all right I want to ask you.... Would you like to hear my story or would you like to rest first?"

Ahad stared at her "what story?"

"honestly I have to tell you now because... I can keep it to myself any longer."

Ahad hold her hands "ma, what is it?"
"didn't Dani tell you anything?" Ahad roll his eyes
"Oh my god Dani said you'd tell me. What happened mother?"

"Um....okay it's about Harraz."


Harraz was in the imam house having dinner with them "this is our special guest, Harraz khan" the imam told his wife. Harraz smile "no, I'm not no one special." The lady name nooda smile she was in her late 40s.

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