Chapter 14

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Next day

Nurin entered the building and was walking toward the elevator when she heard her name "Nurin." She turned around and saw Harraz approaching her and said,"Come with me."

"where are we going?"

"Meeting.....prepare yourself mentally and physically"
"What?!!" Nurin said in shock.

"Don't act so surprised."

"I can't be the one doing the presentation." Nurin almost begged
"why? You aren't mute, are you? Let's go" Harraz walk but he stop when he heard


"Do you have to ask again? It's a meeting and a presentation, understand?" Nurin sadly nodded.
"Let's go" he said walking inside of the elevator, Nurin follow him.

Later they got out off the elevator and started walking "wait here" Harraz told her he started walking away.

While Nurin standing there. Just then Ash came near her "Nurin, congratulations."
"For what?"

"Didn't the boss tell you?" Nurin sheak her head to No "okay. Today, all of us will be doing a presentation regarding the eco-city project. Remember the draft you gave me? One of them is chosen."

"What?" Nurin said in shock. Ash laugh

"wait, there's more and you have to present it in front of everyone."
Nurin look around "why didn't anyone tell me?"
"Don't worry I'm sure you can do it. You can do it."
"But, I'm clueless. How am I supposed to do it?"

"It's simple Nurin. Just like when you presented in university. Show the the slides and read aloud. Or just say what comes to mind. It's your drawing after all you'll be fine."

"But I don't have slides." Nurin panicked again "don't worry. Everything has been taken care of. We stayed up last night to do everything for you. We wanted to help you, this is your chance. I hope you won't let us down"

Nurin smile "really? Thank you ash that was a relieve"

"Don't thank me but thank the boss. It was all his idea. Eric called me this morning. He asked me to help you, he's out cold today."
"Well, our boss is actually kind isn't he?" Nurin said with smile.
"Of course he's kind."


Everyone was seated as the meeting began.
Nurin sat next to Harraz. Ash was the one who gave the speech first.

Harraz turns to Nurin and lean closer to her
"what's wrong with you? You look so nervous. Don't panic. Relax Your up next."

"I'm scared."

"What are you afraid of? Just relax. Believe in yourself don't be nervous. Don't let the nervousness control you"

"what if I put the company to shame?" Nurin whispered "just talk about what you know concerning the eco-city project. You have to believe in yourself and I TRUST you, Nurin." He said softly.

She nods taking a deep breath.

It was her turn, she stood up, her heart racing individuals from other firms were also present and she remembered what Harraz had said.

She started giving a great presentation and everyone was paying attention to her. However, someone else was keeping a careful eye on Nurin with nefarious motives.

Harraz was impressed by the way she explained things, and he looked around to see other individuals who were as well. Harraz's gaze was drawn to a man in his forties who was staring at Nurin with malice in his eyes. It didn't sit well with him at all.

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