Chapter 29

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The imam turn back to Harraz and sat by him.
Harraz took a deep breath and look up meeting his eyes. "I know.... You're embarrassed to tell me. But, I won't force you." Harraz look down "if I tell you....about my'll certainly hate me."

The imam look down he continued "because I myself....feel like.....I..deserve to be hated."

"Harraz as human beings, we....can't avoid from committing sins. We're not angel." Harraz shake his head "but, I've committed so many sins.....that I feel so ashamed to talk about them." The imam nodded
"I won't force you, if you don't want to share with me. But, if you want to talk I'm ready to listen."

Harraz took deep breaths "I am look for haqq...because I need to find a peace of mind. Something happened to me.....In Kuala Lumpur. My own sins have come back to haunt me. Maybe, this is gods punishment....for all my wrongdoings." Harraz said in a hurt tone.

"Trustfully, what have you done?" Harraz look down
"Ive been caught in close proximity. In the past, I often brought women home. When I brought them before....I did that for just one reason."

The imam look down "Astaghfirullah"

He look up at Harraz "don't you know that sex before marriage is a major sin?"

Harraz look at his right "for someone like me, I never knew the difference between right and wrong. I didn't care about gods rules." His tears were building up "I only wanted to have fun. That was until I met Abdul Langkawi. We've been through a lot together. I felt the change.
But, I wasn't strong enough at the time. My heart was still uncertain."

Harraz turn to his side and look up to him.


Nurin was in her room sitting on her bed. She was swiping through the pictures on her phone, she had with Harraz. Like In the meeting room or with team members, and the last picture they took was in the mall for their wedding shopping.  She smile looking at them.

She close her eyes when her phone started ringing
She open her eyes and look Ahad was calling.

Nurin: hello

Ahad: Salam Alaikum

Nurin: Wa Alaikum Salam.

Ahad: look. I know you were actually expecting him to call.

Nurin: no!

Ahad: ya Allah (he smile) I know exactly how it feels to miss a person.

Nurin: are you speaking from experience?

Ahad: yes I'm missing someone right now.

Nurin: what? A girl from Jakarta?

Ahad: no she's from Kuala Lumpur

Nurin: um....ahad, I suddenly feel sleepy. I want to go to bed.

Ahad: okay......good night.

Nurin: okay Salam Alaikum

Ahad: walykumsalam

Ahad disconnected the call "I miss you" he said closing his eyes smiling.

"I know I was wrong......I feel so regretful now. I'm ashamed of my past sins. I want to change I really want to change."

"Harraz. God is the most merciful. He loves all of his subjects. He is constantly waiting for his subjects to repent."

Harraz look up a tears left his eye. "He will accept repentance for the most grievous of sins."

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