Chapter 7 - Challenge accepted (RW)

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"Nurin my office now" Harraz said in a serious tone
Eric left, Sara was smiling all way until she was out of the building.
Everyone left since it was time to go home.
Nurin was super nervous. She slowly turn around Harraz wasn't there. She sigh, slowly she reach his office door, And knocked. "Come in" she heard

She enter, he was sitting down in his chair she slowly went toward his desk.
Harraz look up "sit" he ordered
Nurin nodded, Nurin saw that the replica was on his desk. "Explain this" Harraz said pointing to the replica.

"Sir, I didn't do it, I am innocent"
"Oh really? So are you saying that the replica collapsed by itself..... due to an earthquake?"
"My goodness. Mr. Harraz. If I did it, I'd just admit it. You don't have to even ask me. I am not a coward I'm brave enough to admit my mistakes." Nurin replied meeting his eyes.

Harraz lean close to her. "Then...... who's the culprit?
Eric? Eric won't sabotage his own replica. In this case, there's only you. Only you and Eric have touched that replica." Harraz said closing his eyes taking deep breath.

"It's true that we were the only ones but.... I didn't do it I'm innocent." Nurin replied with worried tone
"All right. Prove it to me then." Harraz replied getting serious.

Nurin stop and look up to him.
" if you can complete that replica in a day. That means you're innocent." Harra pointed to the replica
Nurin blink twice and made a face "what? A day"
Harraz nodded " yes in a day. Why? Can't you do it?If you can't do it, that means... your guilty Because if it's not you. Who else is there to be blamed?" Harraz smirk

Nurin saw his smirk "FINE, I'll complete it in one NIGHT. And then you must accept the fact that I am not the culprit. Okay? I didn't do it I am innocent." Nurin replied getting serious.
Harraz made a face ' Can she really do it in day? Perhaps, she's dreaming.' Harraz thought to himself
"I'll prove it to you."


Nurin was sitting at her workstation, glowing the pieces back together to the replica building. She look around everyone was gone, some of the cabin lights were turning off automatically.

She and Harraz were the only ones in the office.


Harraz had left the office around 10 p.m. and was in his apartment. Harraz was on his balcony talking to his-self. "i am bored, what should I do?" He then pick his phone and ring Ahad.


Ahad had just finished his prayer and was in his chamber.
His phone began to ring. He responded the call.

Ahad: Salamalykum yes, Harraz what's the matter?

Harraz: you shouldn't joke like that. Anyways let's go. (He meant of Ahad saying the Salam)

Ahad: where do you want to go?

Harraz: Ahad, wake up please you haven't been going out for a few nights now. The club misses its most loyal clubber.

Ahad: ummm.... I can't. I've to help my mother.

Harraz: really? Since when did you become a mothers boy?!

Ahad: it's true she needs me to send her to a dinner Event.

Harraz: Ahad! Tell me who has dinner at this hour? Come up with better lie.

Ahad: it's true, she going to have supper besides I'm kind of..... tired

Harraz: okay, whatever. If you need me, I'll be at our usual place. Okay

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