Chapter 23 -

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Next day

Nurin was adjusting her dark green hijab in front of the mirror. When she turned around to pick up her purse, her gaze fell on the gift that Harraz had given her. She beams. And as she picked it up, she continued to stare at it.

"it's so beautiful." She put the watch on her wrist trying it out "It fits me perfectly." She took a deep breath feeling happy, nervous at the same time. She turn around and pick her purse and quickly walk out she was getting late for office.


Harraz took his watch from his dresser and placed it on his wrist. He was likewise in a good mood today.
Nurin is the only one who comes to mind. He was thinking about her at all hours of the day and night. But he was scared when he remembered what his mother had said the day before.

'Don't wait too long or you will lose her' he shake his head not wanting to ruin his mood.

"Mewo" he heard and turn around finding ouro laying on his bed. He smile and sat next to her
He starting patting her head "I think....I want to tell her Today. I can't keep this a secret any longer." He bend and kiss her head. "Pray for me okay. Wish me luck" he said standing up and heading to office.


Nurin came at the Harraz Holdings premises. She clocked in and walked into the building, going for the elevator. Harraz was walking behind her when he noticed Nurin in front of him and rushed toward her.

He got close to her, he slow down since everyone was staring at him weirdly wondering why is there boss running after her. He took breath "Salam Alaikum"he said smiling Nurin heard his voice and stop in her place she turn around "Wa Alaikum Salam" she reply back smiling.

His eyes landed on her wrist she was wearing his watch. He smile she was actually wearing his gift
"You look different this morning" he commented looking at her wrist she made a face acting like she didn't know anything.

"What do you mean?" He hold her wrist Nurin smile and step back pulling her hand away from him gently.

He smirked this time and took a step forward till they were only two inches apart. He looked at her differently today; it wasn't lust, but admiration, and his eyes spoke a different story. Her dark green hijab matched her hazel eyes...

Nurin's heart was racing, her cheeks were flushed from his gaze, and the distance between them was increasing.

"Wh..why are you looking at me like that? I feel embarrassed." He turned around and gave everyone a cold stare. Everyone suddenly lowered their gaze and began moving or working.

He turn back her being soft and smiling again
"Well, it's not like I'm Doing anything. I'm just admiring the Beauty of god's creation."

Nurin heart was beating fast, she step back smiling
"Mr. Harraz khan"

"Yes Nurin Aressa" he step forward again just two inch away "I'm late for work." His smile drop "I'm the you like the watch?" She nodded stepping back "yes. It must be expensive" she said softly he nodded "it is expensive.....for a very special person." She smile again "thank you. I like it very much" he lean close again "um....see you later" she walk past him

"Nurin" she heard him.

He approached her but kept his distance this time, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable, but he did notice her blush.

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