Chapter 8 - who is she? (RW)

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Nurin arrives at the office, she come to her desk. To check on the replica she had completed last night.
She started to get worried, she look under the desk everywhere but she couldn't find it Just then Eric calls her, "Nurin come to my office"
Eric said coming close to her.
"Eric, I..... no, I'v already completed it. I can't found it" Nurin panic looking around for it.

"Come hurry up?!" Erica said walking away. Nurin sigh, she look round one more time, then went to Eric's office.

Nurin knocked on Eric's door. "Come in" she heard she enter, she saw the replica on his desk.
She sigh in relief.  "Eric" Nurin said
"Yes" Eric replied looking at her
"This is all I could do" Nurin said pointing at the replica. "Did you do that?" Eric pointed at the replica
"Yes" Nurin replied smiling
"Wow! It's awesome, Nurin. " Eric said looking at the replica

"But I couldn't do it as well as you. I don't remember exactly how it was before." Nurin said
"No. this is the perfect combination... 80-20"
"80-20?" Nurin question
"Yes, 80-20, eighty percent of it comes from my idea. And other twenty percent comes from yours. I'd like to make changes to the previous idea. I LIKE it Nurin. I can't wait to see the boss, he'll definitely like it. I want to change the original idea..... you have to promise me that you'll agree to include your ideas in it."

Nurin smile "sure but please don't falsely accuse me that's all I ask. Okay?"
Eric look at her for minute, he smile and nodded "okay, I promise"
"I need to see the boss for a while" Nurin said excusing herself.
"Okay sure" Eric said

Nurin started walking away.

Nurin was overjoyed, so she rushed inside Harraz's office without knocking and walked straight to his desk. He was engrossed in his job at the computer.
"Mr... Harraz. I did it. As promised. You must accept that the culprit was not me!" Nurin said with smile.

Harraz raises his eyes from his computer. She looked him in the eyes.
She takes a quick peek down and realizes what she has done.

"I'm sorry" Nurin said slowly walking back. She knock on the door, "May I come in?" She slowly walk up to his desk. "I wanted to tell you that I have completed it replica." Nurin said looking at him.

While Harraz was typing in the computer
" did you come here just to say that? " Harraz said still not looking at her. "Yes, I wanted to tell you that I am innocent. That all. If There's nothing else I would like to excuse myself. Thank you for sending me home this morning. I'm sorry to have troubled you. Okay?....Okay?...Okay?...No?" Nurin smile disappeared, Harraz didn't replied to her. She slowly turn around and started walking out. She once again turn around at him. He wasn't even looking. She walk out and mumbled "Rude" as soon as she walk out. Harraz look up but she was gone.

Nurin was on her way to her desk when she heard her name called. When she turned around, she noticed Sara. She approached Nurin. Nurin irritatedly asked, "What is it now?"

"I Just want to tell you that Harraz khan and I are in love with each other. So, don't you dare seduce him." Sara said stepping close, Nurin step back and smile

"Who wants to seduce him?" Nurin said making a disgust face. "Come on! We're both women. What kind of a women won't be interested in Harraz Khan? Unless she's blind."

"Correction. I am a woman but I am a woman with dignity. I won't seduce or fall for a man like him.
I've a lot of work to do other than talking to a women like you."

Before Sara could open her mouth to say something. Nurin walk away not wanting to deal with her.
"Hey! She's such an old-fashioned women! "


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