Chapter 50 - she's unconscious

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"Nuirn....ya Allah..." Sara said touching her shoulders "Allah have mercy. Wake up, an ambulance." People started noticing her and ran toward her.

Adil got scared and quickly ran away as fast he could.

Hiba and Nashrin notice Nurin didn't came back.
They both got out of the restaurant and saw her on the road and the crowd around her not helping her. While Sara softly kept touching her cheeks and crying.

The ambulance arrived at the hospital, quickly taking her inside the building, they took her hijab off, and gently remove her under cap and saw blood.
Which was no good.

Nashrin park his car in the hospital parking lot he pull his phone out and call Nurin's parents to inform them about the incident.


Harraz arrived in Kedah he walk towards Abdul haqq house before he could knock. Abdul haqq came out and hugged him "my friend." Harraz patted his back with smile he pull back. "How are you?" Harraz nodded "praise be to god, I'm fine."

Abdul haqq nodded smiling "Haqq, I am here for a reason." "Certainly. Come in, mother is inside let's go."

"Why don't you sleep here tonight? Besides the room misses you." Nooda said forwarding the cup of tea to Harraz and haqq. "I've to go home tomorrow." Harraz added.

Nooda nodded and said "that's okay. Just sleep here tonight. Harraz you said you have...something important to tell us?"

Harraz smile and said, "actually I want to tell you that...inshallah, next week I'll be someone husband." Nooda gasp "Alhamdulillah" she said with happy tone.

"Alhamdulillah my friend is getting married, mother." Abdul haqq said hitting his shoulder playfully.

"I'm getting married so, I want you and haqq to come to my wedding." Nooda nodded with smile.

"just asking where is she from?" Nooda said leaning back on the sofa. "She's from Kuala Lumpur too."

"Is it Nurin?"

Harraz smile grew "yes, it's Nurin."
"Alhamdulillah" Abdul haqq tapped Harraz shoulder and said "I like seeing both of you together. Both of you are perfect for each other"
Harraz blush a little and said "thank you."


At night

Ahad was Inform about Nurin, he immediately came to the hospital and took his phone out and call Harraz.


Harraz and haqq were outside walking when haqq notice Harraz was not okay. "You look anxious."
Harraz look at him and nodded "I don't know haqq. My heart feels...uneasy. I feel restless." Haqq nodded and said "have you called her?" Harraz shake his head to no "I left my phone at home."

Haqq stop walking he look at Harraz "in that case, let's go. We'd better hurry home."


"Nashrin" he heard his name, Hiba and Sara look up Ahad coming toward them. Nashrin got up "she's still inside" he nodded sighing.

"Have you-" Ahad mouth was shut when his eyes landed on Sara who was sitting on the chair innocently. Anger raised in him seeing her here he walk towards her in anger and grab her shoulders making her standing up from the chair harshly.

"what did you do to her?" Ahad shouted at her. His hands were tighten around Sara. Hiba quickly touch Ahad hand to remove them.

Ahad step back without leaving Sara forearm "you don't know who she is" Ahad said walking away with her.

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