Chapter 25 -what if i become your husband?

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Early update

Happy reading :)

15 minutes had passed since Nurin disconnected the call on Harraz. Nurin was still laying on her bed
She came out of her thoughts when Ariana knock on her door "Nurin" she call her. "What do you want?" Nurin replied annoyingly.

"Your boss is downstairs. You better get ready or he's coming up to your room." Nurin gasp she immediately got up from her bed "WHAT?" Nurin open her door
"What? Is he downstairs now?" Ariana nodded "yes, he is. Nurin he looks so hot" Nurin glare at her.

"What should I do?" Nurin said holding Ariana hands "what's the problem get dressed."

"He's such a trouble" Nurin fake cry she nodded and push Ariana away from her door and lock it.

"Rude" Ariana said walking away.

Alia smile at Harraz as she puts the cup of tea down for him. "She has found another job."

Nuh passed the cup of tea to Harraz. "She'll be working in my friends company." Nuh nodded

"If that's the case, she should just work for Harraz."
Harraz smile and said "it's okay give her a chance to work in a new environment. Let her gain experience." "So, you don't mind?" Alia question

"Of course not. She has potential. Besides, we shouldn't stand in her way. Let her go wherever she wants." Nurin slowly came downstairs "all right we're very relieved to hear that."

Harraz made an eye contact with Nurin he quickly got up "please excuse us." He pointed towards her "my Friend is already waiting"

"have a drink first!" "We're getting late"

"No drink first" Harraz nodded and took some sips and put the tea down on table.

He got up "okay Salam Alaikum"

"wa Alaikum Salam take care" Alia waved as both of them walk out.

Harraz and Nurin were in the car for roughly five minutes, although they had not yet spoken.

"Have you had breakfast?" "Yes" her reply came looking straight "I haven't. Let's go eat with me."

Nurin turn around to face him "why do you have to force me?"

Harraz smile "I'm still your boss."

"No, I'm resigning later." Harraz smirk this time "in that case, later I won't be your boss anymore. But right now I am your boss." Nurin glare at him "you're so bad!"

He nodded "well, that's the reason you fell in love with me."

Don't be silly." Harraz park the car in front of the restaurant. He got out and walk over to her side, he open the door for her

She look straight not looking at him. Harraz was standing by her door she wasn't coming out.
He lean close to her "hurry up. I'm hungry." He said,
"No!" Nurin said crossing her arms across her chest.

He lean more close "this is an order." She turn her face to the other side "do you want me to drag you?"

She Lean back on her chair, Harraz step back a little
"This is so annoying! Please stop forcing me!" She fake cry "whether I want to eat or not, just let me be! Why do you have to drag me?" She push him out of the way and grab her purse. Harraz close the door
And follow Nurin.

Harraz smiles as she pouts and looks very lovely.
He rushed forward to take a look at her. To tease her, he pulls the ends of her headscarf. "Stop it!" Nurin said as she pushed his hand away.
Harraz who was enjoying her look he decided to gently slap her bun.
She gave him a cold stare and started walking.

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