Chapter 18

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That same day, after Nurin was finish with her assignment. She came out of the building
And drive to nashrain lee bouquet.

Later, she reach there and continue talking about things. Then Nashrin bought the model topic again
"What if he finds out?" Nashrin said holding his wife hand Hiba, "with god's will, he won't. Besides who would ever believe that I was a model?" Nurin chuckle at the thought of it.

Hiba smile turning to her "even if he does find out, he may just marry you. Simple, that'll be the end of the matter."
Nurin made a face "I don't want that. He's a playboy....Okay. I'm going home."

Suddenly Hiba touch her stomach and she cried in pain.
"Honey, are you okay?" Nashrin said holding her
"What wrong?" Nurin ask "she's going to labor!" Nashrin yelled "seriously, what should we do now?" Nurin said looking around in panic.

"You have to help me" "I don't know what to do"
Both of them Panic. "Move slowly, let's get to the hospital" both Nurin and Nashrin hold her hand each sides and walk up to the car.


Nurin was on call with her mom

Nurin: Really mother, I'm fine. I'll go home once everything is settled. I'll go home straight.

Mom: what wrong with you? Why didn't you tell me that Hiba was in labor?

Nurin: I panicked I don't know what to do.

Mom: has she given birth yet?

Nurin: not yet. It has been three hours.

Mom: it reminds me of the time when I was giving birth to you. I was in the labor room for almost five hours.

Nurin: what? Why did it take five hours?

Mom: you were stubborn and didn't want to come out. You wanted to be in my tummy.

Nurin: okay, mother let's talk later.

Mom: where's the car?

Nurin: it's at the boutique. When everything is settled, I'll go and get it.

Mom: take care

Nurin: inshallah Mother. Salamalykum

Mom: walykumsalam.


Ahad enters his room and shuts the door behind him. He first makes wudu then He took out the prayer mat and began praying. He then made dua.

"Ya Allah, praying to you soothes my soul. You are the self-Sufficient, the most benevolent. Grant me perseverance, Patience and lasting calmness.....for me to carry on with this life. Ya Allah let me be your servant..who is always grateful for all your blessings."

He was disturbed, when he heard a banging on his door he quickly got up folding the prayer mat and hiding it.

"Ahad" Ahad mother lema call his name.

"Yes mother"

"Ahad, help me!" She said while crying.

He came and open the door.
"Ahad come help me, it's your father hurry" she yell running downstairs.


Ahad rushed his dad to the hospital; he was having a heart attack. While his father was in the ICU Ahad and his mother Lema were waiting.

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