Chapter 46- will you be my wife?

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"Okay let's start this. These are some designs that we have produced together. So, this is the design that we have chosen." Nurin forward the design to haziq
She and her team members were in the conference room. Haziq replaced Eric since he was no longer in the team.

"I don't know whether you and Mr. Harraz will agree to this design. And also that one. So, probably you can improvise from what we have here. Including eddy's design." Haziq nodded "okay, all right."

"We'll, as you know there are a few designs that we have got from Salma, eddy and the rest. And I also did one design. We're just waiting for your approval whether you agree to the design that I have improvised."

Haziq was looking through the designs he was impress "okay. It's just that we still don't know when Mr. Harraz Will return in to the office. Maybe he'll come this week. Inshallah so, let's end the meeting here. Just keep it up, all right?"

Everyone nodded "thank you" Haziq got up and walk away.


*At Harraz parents house

Harraz was leading the prayer while his parents were behind him following him along.

They finish the prayer Harraz was sitting down still making dua. Shahnaz look at her son in proudness.

Harraz went to his room and change his clothes when his phone started ringing he answered.

Harraz: where do you want to go? I'm not in the mood.

Ahad: it won't take long please, it's important.

Harraz: okay, but where are we going?

Ahad: ya Allah. Can you just hurry up? Please come out. It'll only take a moment.

Harraz: where do you want to go?

Ahad: you'll see. Just come with me!!

Harraz: Ahad. You know I hate going to such places.

Ahad: ya Allah. Your testing my patience. I know that!! Hurry up! I'm outside the house.

Harraz: whose house?

Ahad: Mukhriz khan house! Hurry up! Your parent's house.

Harraz: what? Your already here? Ahad, why do you always surprise me this way?


Harraz: okay okay coming

He put his phone in his pocket and came to the living room "mother, I'm going out with Ahad for a while." Shahnaz who was reading the Quran, she close the book and lookup "where are you going?"

"He wants to tell me something. And can I go back to my condo?" Harraz said softly

"Why, Harraz? Stay here what are you going to do in your house alone?"

"I miss my condo." Shahnaz sigh but nodded "fine. If there anything, call me okay?"

Harraz smile and kiss her cheek.


Ahad park his car, he got out Harraz came out too
"Where are you taking me?" Harraz question looking around "we're going to the karaoke center." Ahad said smiling

"Ahad, I'm not saying I've repented...but I don't want to go such places anymore." Ahad roll his eyes
"This time, you have to go with me. Let's go."

Harraz sheak his head and step back "No, thanks."

Ahad grab his hand "we'll go for just a moment! Come follow me."

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