[74] Carefully

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Hey, everyone! This chapter is kinda long. It's kind of Jacob-centric, since he's having some drama in his life. If you guys don't like hearing so much about him, let me know. Future chapters probably wont have this much about him, but this one just fit because of the timing of the story. Still, I would love to hear feedback! Also, what kind of Demsley scenes are you looking forward to seeing more of? Maybe your suggestions could be added!

T/W: Eating Disorder topic discussed during Ansley's P.O.V.

Jacob's P.O.V.

Words couldn't explain how much it irked me and drove me crazy that Cole was able to just come in and invade my life again. It had taken so long for me to work on forgetting him, and just like that, he was back. He was in one of my classes, and one day he sat right behind me, constantly trying to pass me notes that I kept rejecting or taking and ripping up. Part of me wanted to tell him every terrible thing he made me feel, but another part of me never wanted to talk to him again.

After Cole's seventh attempt to hand me a note today, I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom, which she allowed. Feeling a wave of anxiety come over me, I quickly rushed to the bathroom, making sure the entire bathroom was empty before I gripped the sides of the sink and hung my head low, attempting to get ahold of myself. The walls were closing in on me and my thoughts were scattering all over the tile floor like loose-leaf paper. Between the secondhand pain on my cheek from remembering all the times he punched me in the face to feeling every layer of skin on my stomach from the dread of Thanksgiving next week, I couldn't prevent the tears brimming. Like rainwater, they cascaded down my cheeks and just floated there on my chin, daring to slip down my jawline to my neck.

The door swung open, and I faced away from it, hoping whoever it was would take the hint and leave. "Can you give me a minute?" I asked when I felt their presence behind me.

They didn't retreat or enter a stall or approach a urinal.

"Please," I pleaded.

To no avail, I then started towards a toilet stall to claim my privacy, but the person's hand halted the door I was attempting to open, which forced me to spin around and scowl at them, my eyes red and puffy and damp from crying. And my breath caught in my chest at the realization that it was Cole, his once threatening eyes now concerned.

"What... what do you want from me?" I managed to break out of my seemingly-closing throat.

Noticing that I was about to burst into tears again, he surprisingly wrapped his arms around me in a hug and held me as I sobbed. This was not something I ever wanted him to have the privilege of seeing – me so vulnerable. It was such a strange feeling, being comforted by the person who was responsible for causing my pain. I was so tense in his arms, fearful that he would drag me onto the ground and lay a few good punches and kicks in me. But he didn't, and I cried until I was ready to stop.

"It's okay, man. You're gonna be okay," he assured me.

Within thirty seconds, I was separating us again, refusing to make eye contact. "I don't know what to say anymore."

He laughed. "I think a thank you would suffice."

I shook my head. "I... Why did you do that for me? Why did you come here in the first place?"

His smile faded, and he took a couple steps back to let me relax some. "Sometimes you just need a hug. And I can recognize your suffering, especially since I used to witness so much of it a few years ago."

"Witness it? You caused it," I retorted defensively.

With a sigh, he nodded. "I did. And I'm sorry. I really am. You didn't deserve that."

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