[1] Introduction

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A/N okay guys this is my first fanfiction on wattpad so it probably sucks. This is written as if all of Madison DeLaGarza's friends are the same age: 7th grade. This includes Bea, Kate, Drew, Christian, Riley, Abby, all of them. They come in chapter 2. Then Demi comes as well but I'm not sure when she'll come. So yeah. I don't want to spoil anything but...here we go!

Ansley's P.O.V.

My house was sold a month after Dawson died. Dawson was my biological father, but he never felt like a father to me. Only for five years did he act like a somewhat civilized person in my life. Dawson was my only parent since my mom died from cancer a few years back. Do I miss my mom? Yes. Do I miss Dawson? Hell no. You see, Dawson abused me and my little brother, Jacob. I was abused for thirteen years, Jacob for seven. I was eighteen when Dawson died, and now I'm nineteen. Jacob's twelve.

Dawson died in a car accident some months ago and Jacob was with him, put into a coma. Jacob came back to reality a week later and recovered quickly so that he could go to school. For two months I stared at walls, crumbled family photos, moved Jacob and me into an apartment where I could take care of him on my own, and faced my illnesses, all while remembering my parents, reliving the somewhat tragic devastation that came after the joy of having Dawson out of my life.

Dawson used to abuse us when mom was away on her business trips, which was 90% of the time. Dawson and mom were always fighting after mom said she was pregnant with Jacob. I was an accident, or as Dawson called me, a mistake. Dawson never wanted me and then my mom was pregnant with Jacob, he got furious. Both of them would walk away from each other with steam coming out of their ears. One day, after my brother was born, Dawson left for nearly a month, but sadly he came back, only to yell and scream some more. Mom signed up for more trips at work to get paid more so that we could keep our house, but I don't believe that was the whole reason. It caused her to be gone more. She would go from state to state on a weekly basis, then she'd visit us once or twice a month. It was weird and I hated it because it meant Jacob and I were stuck with you-know-who by ourselves.

Have to admit, Jacob and I enjoyed the silence without Dawson and mom screaming at each other. But then, Dawson's attention was turned to us. We'd have to do things a mother would do, and if we did it wrong, he's tally it on a piece of paper how many beatings we'd get that evening, then he'd use sharpie on our arms that said the number of times we'd gotten hit with the belt or his fist or his foot. I kept a board in my room that added up the number of times I'd been abused in any way. It ranged anywhere from a slap to a belt beating to a kick in the gut. The number is sixty-five thousand five hundred twenty. That's how many times I've been abused.


"Go! Against the wall!" Dawson screamed.

I obeyed and placed my hands on the way, back hunched over, ready for pain. The belt slapped my back and I screamed in pure agony as the mark stung. He did it again and again, these times, harder. I was almost sure it hit my bone that third time. I could have sworn there were bees on my back. I gasped and fell to the floor. Dawson kicked me in the gut over and over until my ribs were bruised. I backed away between my bed and my wall trying to catch my breath as tears streamed down my face. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me out to the center of the room where he slapped me and kicked me again. I started coughing until blood came out as my nose bled and I couldn't take it anymore. I collapsed flat onto the floor and he flipped me onto my stomach, then he beat me again with the belt.


"Ansley! Ansley! Anna wake up!" Jacob yelled. I opened my eyes and found myself sweating and my heart pounding. Jacob shook my shoulders and I realized I had only been dreaming. "You were having a nightmare. You were screaming and crying. It was just a dream, Anna."

"But it wasn't a dream," I stammered with a yelp. "I-it was real!"

Twelve year old Jacob crawled into my bed and hugged me. "It's okay. He's gone now. He's not coming back either. You're okay, Anna."

I looked at my clock. 3:57. I'd have to get up in two and a half hours to go to work. When I looked at Jacob, he looked as if he's ready to fall back asleep.

"What are you doing up at this hour, Jake?" I asked, nudging him with my shoulder. "You have school tomorrow."

"I know. I'm just nervous so it's hard to sleep. Then I heard you and I came running," he said as he rolled onto his back.

"Don't be nervous. It's just school," I pointed out.

"Yeah but it's the first day of school and it's a new school. Also my first day of school since the accident. There's a lot of new people and I want to make a good impression. Yeah I know Drew but this is a new school. Even though it's Drew's school, I don't know anyone else. What should I do?" he asked.

"Just be yourself. If you have any questions, ask Drew. The best thing is to adopt a friend in ,every class that went to that school last year, and have them help you out," I explained.

"Thanks, Anna," Jacob said as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I reached over to the lamp he had turned on when he was waking me and turned it off, then tucked us in as we both fell into slumber.

Sorry it's short but Demi comes soon! This is my first story on wattpad so I'm sorry if it sucks. Comments?

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