[8] Caught

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Sorry this one took so long! There are a lot of new characters in this one, though. I hope y'all like it!

Ansley's P.O.V.


I froze. Shit. I squinted in the dark and set my keys down on the coffee table, then turning on the lamp beside the couch.

I told Jacob I had a solid job that paid me well, but I didn't tell him I worked at night, too. And now he knew. Fuck.

"Jake, it's okay, go back to bed," I whispered through the yellow glow the lamp created.

"Why do you go out every night?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I stuttered, pretending this was a one-night thing.

"Anna. You go out every week night and don't get back until four. Why? Why do you have a second job? You said you were paid good on one job. Why would you lie to me?" He glared at me, hurt.

"Go back to bed. We'll talk about this in the morn-"

"No! I want to talk about it now! Why, Anna? Tell me why!" he rose his voice.

I jumped back, a little startled. He could be demanding for a twelve year old.

"Because we need the money," I answered.

"We needed the money? Or you need the money. I know you're not sober. You haven't been sober in two years. I know that's what you really spend our money on!"

He turned his back to me and went back into his room, slamming the door behind him. I blinked, shocked at the scene. How could he know? The only people that knew about my drug addiction were Bailey and my friend, Cody. Also a guy named Brett. He was my drug dealer but then he betrayed me so I switched to John. John was a clumsy, scruffy, single fifty year old man who sold drugs for a living. He was a man, and I was afraid of him, but with his drugs I could always get high before going to him so that I would basically zone out and not look like a scared bitch.

To argue against Jacob, I hadn't had any drugs for a month. I felt a little better I guess but I didn't feel on top of the world like I used to. Even though I was slightly proud of myself, I still wanted to do them again, but I wanted to stop for Jacob.

I sighed at the though and shook my head as I went to my room.

•Next Day•

Jacob's P.O.V.

My alarm beeped on my phone and I groggily turned it off, then went into the hall bathroom to take a shower. After I was done, I remembered why I was so tired. I woke up to go see Ansley when she got home and it took me half an hour to fall back asleep because my mind kept racing, my blood boiling. I was still pissed at Ansley so I ignored her the entire morning.

"Hey, Jake. Want some breakfast? Or are you going to eat at school like you did yesterday?" She asked me once I finished getting ready.

Sunday night, which was the night before last, I told Ansley I would eat at school, which I didn't do. Obviously. I didn't eat lunch either.

"Jacob." She stood in my doorway now as I zipped up my book bag.

I stared at her for a few moments until she sighed and walked away.

"I guess you're eating at school since you're not going to answer me."

I rolled my eyes at that. After I left my room with my book bag over my shoulder and my phone in my pocket, she opened her arms for me to give her a hug. I crossed my arms and shoved past her, opening the door and leaving the apartment.

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