[2] New Kid

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First off, thank you guys for over 30 reads on my first chapter in one day! That makes me so happy! Thank you! I love you guys! Y'all are amazing! Here's chapter 2!

Jacob's P.O.V.

I awoke to my alarm going off on my phone in my room and rubbed my eyes. Yawning, I sat up and checked my surroundings. This wasn't my room. I must have fallen asleep in Ansley's room because that's where I am. Her side of the bed was empty and the sheets were a mess. Groggily, I threw my legs over the side and pushed myself up as Ansley walked into the room from the bathroom. She was drying her hair with a blue towel. She had her makeup done and she was dressed in her diner uniform: a khaki skirt and light pink golf shirt. She finished drying her hair with the towel and started brushing it.

"You need to get ready, Jake. Your bus comes in thirty-five minutes. And turn that damn alarm off. It's been going off for fifteen minutes," she said as she did her hair. She never used a mirror but her hair was always perfect. That takes skills. I can do the same, but then again, I have short hair instead of hair falling halfway down my back.

"I know," I said as I stretched and walked out of her room, going down the hallway to my room.

I picked up my vibrating phone from the nightstand and turned off the alarm. In all of twenty minutes I showered, got dressed, and did my hair. After I was mostly ready, I had ten minutes to spare so I arranged things in my book bag. Ansley walked up behind me as I zipped my book bag that was sitting in a chair at the kitchen table. She kissed my head and wrapped her arms around me.

"You're gonna do great," she whispered to me. "I know you will. Call me if you need anything. Love you."

"Love you, too, Ansley," I said.

She gave me a long hug then pulled away, grabbing her keys off the table and walking out the door. I sighed and threw my book bag over my shoulder. Drew lived in this same apartment building with his mom. I slowly stepped out the door behind Ansley and locked it. Ansley and I walked opposite ways, me to Drew's apartment, Ansley to her car. I tapped on Drew's door and his mother opened it with a smile.

"Hey Jacob," she said to me.

"Hello," I said politely. Even though she felt like a third mother to me-my sister being the second-I felt the need to respect her with everything I had. I could never be rude to her. She's the parent of the only friend that knows about Dawson and she has helped us more than ever with recovery.

"Drew! Jacob's here! Hurry up!" she called out.

Her blond hair framed her face in a beautiful yet simple way that I always enjoyed looking at. Whoever divorced her is a fool who is missing out on an incredible lady. But I saw her before she and her husband divorced. She was terrified. She's so much happier now. The split was a silent one but certainly noticeable.

"I'm comin'!" Drew yelled from somewhere inside the house. After a few seconds he appeared in the doorway beside his mother.

"Hey Jacob," he smiled. He gave his mom a side hug. "Alright, mom. See you after school."

"Have a good day, boys! Love you much! Good luck!" his mom said as Drew and I backed away from the door and his mom closed it.

Drew and I walked side by side down the breezeway and ran down the stairs. My back hurt from the ten pound book bag hitting my back with every step but I ignored it. When we got to the sidewalk by the recently paved parking lot, Drew walked backwards so that he could face me.

"Wassup brotha?" He asked. "You excited?"

"Nervous," I replied shakily.

"Don't be. This school's fun. You'll love it. We also have a few arts classes. Theater. Band. Dance. Vocal. Writing. Strings. They're cool. I was in vocal last year. I want to be in theater this year. Do you want to be in one? It's at the end of the day during free period. If not, there are some clubs you can choose from," Drew explained.

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