[82] I Believe

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Demi's P.O.V.

I was excited for my concert and for Ansley to come spend the day with me at rehearsals. Her brother had school, but he could come hang out as soon as it was done. My mom was going to pick him and Madison up to bring them here, so Ansley wouldn't have to go through the security screening twice. I liked that it meant I wouldn't have to go an hour without her. Our time together was so precious to me.

As we approached the arena that morning, we both took pictures and signed autographs for the three fans that arrived nine hours early for the concert.

"Is that common? People getting here so early?" Ansley asked as we made it through the security at the back entrance.

I shook my head. "Not really. Usually around lunchtime is when a couple people start showing up, but most wait until at least four or five in the afternoon. Some people are just really... dedicated," I laughed.

Max, my bodyguard, met us near the entrance with a golf cart and picked us up, driving us to the hall at the side of the stage and dropping us off. He was always nearby, which was comforting. He was one of the few men I trusted with my life.

I guided Ansley through the backstage and then onto the stage through the curtains. Crew members were everywhere, hanging lights, setting up the smoke machines, marking places on the stage floor with painters tape, placing chairs in the pit, and building the second stage. Some dancers were practicing off to the side, and the band members were bringing in their instruments. It was like an orchestra, everyone taking their places and working together to create harmony.

"I know I've been to a couple rehearsals before for previous tours, but every time I come, I'm so amazed," Ansley commented, holding my hand.

As if was the most natural thing in the world, I began dancing with her, the two of us spinning and twirling and swaying to an imaginary tune. It was peaceful, all the collective chaos around us while we were in our own little world. We apologized when we were in someone's way, and I kissed her. Intensely and fervently, taking advantage of the fact that this would be our only free moment for the rest of the day. A few seconds after we separated, we were bombarded by my assistant, Jordan, informing me that people needed me to come select wardrobe for tonight's show.

Ansley and Jordan both helped me in wardrobe with picking outfits and backups. I tried to pick the less-showy ones, which I think Ansley picked up on, since she started rubbing my back lightly in comfort and support.

A couple hours were spent bouncing around between meetings and walking around the arena and getting food from my in-house chef. Ansley seemed to enjoy every minute of it, completely fascinated by the innerworkings of tour and setup and frequent performances. We were only in the first two weeks of the tour, so there were mistakes made, but they almost always got fixed before the show.

While I was practicing a few dance moves onstage with my backup dancers, Kehlani made her entrance, rushing to my side to hug me the second we finished dancing.

"Hey, girl!" she smiled, holding onto me tightly; I could feel Ansley's eyes observing the scene. "How you doing, babe?"

I grinned back at her, clutching her hands in mine after we separated. "I'm good, yeah. How are you?"

"Great, as always. I just finished throwing chips at Max by the snack table, so that was fun. Hey, isn't your girlfriend coming to the show tonight?" she asked excitedly.

I fully removed myself from Kehlani and motioned towards my girlfriend. "She's right here. She's hanging with me all day and coming to the show!" I gushed.

Kehlani's smile doubled in size as she pulled Ansley into a hug as well. "Oh, my God, girl, it's so great to finally meet you! Demi talks about you all the time. She loves you to fucking death. You're so lucky to have her. I want someone to love me that hard. Shit, if she was single I'd pick her right up!"

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