Chapter 13

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Heisenberg heard his phone ring, catching him off guard. Putting down one of the rowdy lycans, he answered. "Alci- You're not Alci..." He listened carefully, his eyes widening. "I'll be there for lunch. Don't tell Alci anything. Be good." He hung up, then looked at his lycans. "Behave, be nice to the villagers, be nice to the other factory workers." He ordered. "Big Papa Heisenberg has some business to attend to!" Giddy and excitable, Heisenberg got to his horse to go to Castle Dimitrescu.

Opening the doors and calling out for Alcina Dimitrescu, he watched her confused expression turn to bitterness. He threw her a plastic bag. "I keep my promises, dear sister. Now, where's (Y/N)?" He asked, making sure he had no mud on his boots and made his way inside. "Why are you here?" Lady Dimitrescu snapped, coming down the stairs, the bag in hand. "Last time I checked, I didn't invite you." She added. Heisenberg pulled Alcina Dimitrescu into a hug, a tight hug in fact. "I'm so proud of you. You may be a egotistical, moody, bitter sister, but you're my moody bitter egotistical sister. Now, where is (Y/N)?" He felt Lady Dimitrescu struggle in his hug for a moment, then she went limp in defeat. "In their room. Now, please let go of me." Lady Dimitrescu pushed Heisenberg away, folding her arms. "I'm here for lunch, I had to come by right away." "And your hammer?" "At the factory, I felt no need to bring it with me."

Heisenberg looked at his nieces, giving them each a hug. "I suppose your little love bird will be eating with us, huh Alci? Well? Huh?" He teased, bumping Alcina in the arm. "Touch me again and I'll cut your dick off and shove it up your ass." She hissed. Heisenberg grinned, loving to push Lady Dimitrescu's buttons.

At the table, Heisenberg looked at you. You sat close to Lady Dimitrescu, and even then you kept some kind of distance away. "Take that bandage off your cheek, I don't mind seeing scars." He encouraged, reaching for the bandage. Lady Dimitrescu grabbed his wrist, her grip was hard. "I think that's a little unnecessary. Don't you think girls?" She gave an mildly annoyed awkward smile. "Perhaps so, but I'm the guest." He reached despite her grip and pulled off the bandage.

The table was silent, all except for the clatter of dishes being put on the table. Heisenberg stared at the spot on your cheek, then a devilish grin crawled on his lips. "Not a single word, you flea-bitten man-child." Lady Dimitrescu whispered, staring at him. He watched you apply the bandage once more, covering the lipstick mark on your cheek.

I didn't know the drama was this good!

Heisenberg looked to his nieces, seeing their expressions. He made eye contact with Bela, then Cassandra, but when he looked to Daniela she was listening to something, dancing slightly. "You will finish your food, then leave. Am I understood?" Lady Dimitrescu snapped, bending the fork in her hand. "Oh, I understand. You lovesick vampy-wampy." He teased, pushing up his glasses.

You're so easy to tease, I will never get over it. Even Mother Miranda can't help you now!

After eating, Heisenberg gave his nieces all hugs before being forced out the door by Alcina Dimitrescu. "If I see your face at this door again without an invitation, I will personally turn you into a fur rug. Do you understand?" She whispered, face a slight color of red and hat slightly off. "I understand. But if anything happens, I will be here." He whispered back, then the door slammed.

You're so easy to tease.

Heisenberg turned to leave, but paused in his tracks. "I want everyone to come down here, now! Every last one of you!" He listened to Alcina's voice.

Oh damn, she's mad mad.

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