Chapter 68

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Mia felt her blood go cold, the way she looked at you drove her mad with jealousy. Mia looked up at Alcina, her heart racing with rage. "You'll be staying in (Y/N)'s old room." Alcina hissed, running her fingers along your jaw as she stared Mia down. Mia gave a nod, then made eye contact with you. You had your hands along her forearm, almost protecting her from Mia's gaze. "Bela, you are to watch Mia for the week. Don't kill her, though." Alcina ordered. Mia felt the chains on her ankles begin to pull. "Let's go Miss Winters." The woman known as Bela called out.

Mia followed, keeping her eyes on you. As she entered the room, it was very obvious it was once yours. It held the same decor as it did before, but the addition of bean bags, posters, and a projector said it all. This was yours. Mia sat down, looking around. She looked up at Bela, then gave a soft sigh. "You really want to challenge my mother to a fight for (Y/N)?" She asked. Mia gave a small nod, relaxing a little. "I just need to convince (Y/N) to come back home." Mia explained, shrugging. "You do realize that (Y/N) feels at home here, right? They're going to be getting married soon and made it very obvious with the sacrifices that they made that they're staying. The only way my mother will let them go is if she does something so atrocious to (Y/N)." Bela explained, sitting on the bed.

Something atrocious?

"Last time I saw (Y/N), Ethan went missing and they came here to go backpacking. Then, (Y/N) went missing. Only to find out that Ethan died and (Y/N) is somehow still alive. How did they survive anyways?" Mia asked, growing frustrated. "And where's Rose?" She added, aggravated. "That's a simple explanation: basic human kindness. And Rose lives with Heisenberg in the factory. When Mother Miranda couldn't get Eva, she dumped her off to Heisenberg. The Chris dude died shortly after that, couldn't handle Heisenberg's army." Bela explained, laying down.

Mia nodded, then looked at the window. "Why do you even want (Y/N) anyways?" Bela asked, catching Mia's attention.

"After all this time, I realized that I have affections for (Y/N) deep down."

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