Chapter Forty-Two

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"Whaat, what's going on" I choke out smoke filling my lungs, my legs weak beneath me.

"I don't know" Sabella yells over the noise of gunfire, dragging me towards her and out the bedroom door. We stumble down the corridor, it's thick with smoke and pitch black making it impossible to see.

We come to a sudden stop and I slam into Sabella's body, I hear a soft beep as she pulls me through the door. The air is instantly cleaner, still slightly smoky but I can breathe, I suck in huge gulps of air, trying to clear my lungs.

I watch as Sab runs around the room, grabbing things out of the closet, she throws a jacket at me, nodding for me to put it on as she grabs two backpacks.

"Sab, stop, we have to help Angel and Hank" I say looking around wildly for a weapon.

She snorts looking at me "you're in no condition to help, come on" she demands heading towards the window and popping the paneling underneath, a door swings open.

"They will be fine, we need to go to the meet-up spot come on"

The sound of gunfire getting closer to us intensifies, and I stumble towards the hidden panel, looking down, I can't see anything.

"It's going to be okay, it's a small drop" Sab furiously whispers behind me.

The lack of food over the past few days making me weak. I barely hear her, as she gently helps me into a sitting position and pushes me.

I land with a thud on the floor below, I can make out a darkened hallway, it feels like it's made out of stone, I can't see anything and I need to crawl to move, I hear the panels latch back into place above me and and Sab lands where I was a moment ago and flicks on a torch.

"Stay silent and follow this for a little bit then you'll feel some stairs, slide down them on your ass" she whispers, as we crawl along.

I keep putting one hand in front of the other crawling, my wrists and knees start to ache instantly and my body is covered in a thin layer of sweat. My hand slips and I feel like I am falling, a slight scream escapes my lips.

Sab yanks me back "I see you found the stairs" she says dryly.

I turn around awkwardly, letting my legs dangle over the edge and using my hands I slide down the stairs on my ass.

If I wasn't running from gunfire I might have found this fun.

I hit the bottom and quickly move to let Sab join me, I see the glow from her torchlight as she hits the ground before me.

"Okay" she whispers "keep moving until you reach the end okay?"

I just start crawling, my legs growing tired but I push through 'when this is all over I need to workout' I mentally tell myself.

I feel like I've been crawling for hours, Sab and I don't talk, we just keep going.

My throat is dry and every muscle in my body aches, I want to lay down and pass out, but I feel like if I did that I wouldn't be able to get back up.

We keep pushing forward, the tunnel walls have turned into dirt and I can feel my clothes snagging on rocks every few metres.

From the soft torchlight I finally see the end of the tunnel, sighing in relief I crawl faster desperate for water.

"When we get to the end, get behind the ladder I will go up first and make sure it's safe" Sab tells me.

Too tired to argue I just nod, ducking behind the ladder when we get to the end.

Sab climbs up, pushing open the top, the tunnel tinged with the early morning sunlight.

After five minutes I see Sab stick her head down "come on, it's all safe"

Climbing up the ladder I fall onto grass, rolling onto my back I stretch out my limbs groaning I am thankful for fresh air. Sab hands me a drink bottle and guzzle it in two gulps.

Turning my head on my side, I look at her "what now?"

"Now we go home, it's time to go to war" she replies. 

This Hurts Like Hell - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now