Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Obispo this is getting ridiculous, I'm not a child you cannot keep me here," I tell him "Charlie is getting stronger every day, she refuses to talk to me and people are going to start to notice she is missing. We've been here a month"

"Sab" he starts, clearly irritated that I called him Obispo, "I've taken care of it"

"Oh, you've taken care of it?" I say anger welling up inside of me "right, so what about me? Did you take care of me too? I have a life, a job, a club, I have sister's counting on me" my voice is growing louder with each statement.

"Sabella, please" he pleads "just awhile longer"

"How much longer?" I demand closing the space between us pushing his chest "a day? A week? Another month?" Each question is another push, he doesn't stop me, he just watches me, like a hunter stalks his prey, but I'm not anyone's prey.

"Fuck you" I say storming out of the kitchen and heading for the front door, grabbing his jacket off the back off the couch I go to open the door, but my arm jerks it doesn't budge. I look for a lock.

"What the fuck" I mutter under my breathe realising there is no lock, moving towards the window I try that, it doesn't open. Grabbing the nearest object I try to smash it, but whatever I grabbed just bounces off.

"Just stop Sab, you can't get out" Bishop says quietly from the doorway.

"Let me out" I say venom dripping from my voice.

"I can't," he says.

"Yes you can and you will"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighs I can tell he doesn't want to do this, but I need to get home, I need to get back to my sister's.

"Miguel has a three million dollar bounty on your head, every deadbeat is after you. Your club voted and decided this was the best place for you" he tells me.

The room starts to spin "bullshit" I tell him.

"Come on" he says sighing walking past me down towards his bedroom. I follow him, maybe I can knock him out and find the key to get out.

As we approach Bishop's bedroom door I hear a soft click and he pushes on the door, he didn't touch anything which means there must be a receiver on him directly.

Walking into Bishop's room I look around, it's a warm comfortable room. His bed is a massive timber framed bed in the centre of the room, a dark comforter is spread neatly over the bed. The room is furnished with matching bedside tables and a dresser, no photos or personal objects which surprises me and I'm unsure why. Bishop walks to the farside of the room, where there is a large timber desk surrounded by bookcases full of well worn books, the only personal looking things in the room.

"I didn't take you for a bookworm" I say surprised.

"There's a lot you don't know about me" he says opening a laptop gesturing for me to come around.

His fingers move rapidly over the keyboard as he enters various passwords and opens applications bringing up what appears to be secure servers and begins to opens emails.

Sliding his chair back he motions for me to read the emails on the screen.

My eyes scan over the words on the screen, the emails appear to be between Bishop and his second in command talking about the bounty on my head including posts from the dark web confirming the bounty.

"Okay so that just proves Miguel has a bounty, I can take care of myself Bishop, I don't need a babysitter" I stay stubbornly.

"I beg to differ" A third voice fills the room, Azara.

"Azara" I say as her face appears on the screen, I've never been so happy to see my vice president.

"My Queen" she says bowing her head.

"Az, what's going on?" I demand.

"Things are fine, we voted and you need to stay where you are. We want you alive, you are no good to us dead" Az tells me, her posture strong, but I can tell she is scared underneath, demanding her superior remain in hiding is not her call.

"Az, this is not your call" I start

"Yes it is, I need you to be where you are trust me" she says pressing her fingers to her wrist a sign we've used since we were kids when we've needed pure trust. Do now, talk later.

Biting my lip, I have no choice, I have to trust that Az knows what she's doing. "Okay" I say admitting defeat "I love you"

"I love you too" she says.

I can feel the tears welling up behind my eyes as Az's face disappears from the screen, my eyes close as I try to push them back down.

"Sabella?" Bishop says softly, I feel his fingers reach for me.

"Don't" I say pushing myself away from his desk, walking out of his room.

Heading down to Charlie's room I slam the door behind me waking her up as I turn the light on she eyes me warily.

Flinging myself down in the armchair next to her bed I push my feet under her blankets, softly kicking her in the side.

"Ow" she groans gritting her teeth.

"Seriously, what is your problem?" I demand, glaring at her.

"Oh I don't know, you show up demand I take care of you, and as repayment I almost died and now I'm in the middle of nowhere so no one kills you, you really are the daughter of death" she says glaring at me, rolling over.

The room is silent, I can hear Charlie breathing softly but she doesn't fall back asleep.

"You know, when I was little, I knew about you, and I was so jealous, not because our father lived with you, but because I so badly wanted a sister, I wanted someone to share a room with and tell all my secrets to but I was kept at a distance until you were old enough to understand" I say softly "I remember once my mother had to take me to a meeting, and you were there, you must have been around seven and your mom encouraged us to play together and for a moment, it was like we were sisters. You let me braid your hair and you told me about the mean girls at your school"

Charlie rolls over, looking at me "and you showed me how to punch them" she says a soft smile on her face.

I just nod, Charlie wiggles over holding her blankets up, crawling under the blankets with her, she pulls them up over our heads, she strokes my hair and the tears start to fall. 

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