Chapter Twenty-Three

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Charlie's POV

Two weeks later

A pounding at my front door wakes me from my nap, groaning I roll off the couch and sleepy stumble towards the door, looking through the peephole I see Emily standing there with a grim look on her face. Opening the door I motion for her to come in.

"Oh good you're still alive, your mother will be thrilled" she says sarcastically

Emily's eyes glance around the room and her face wrinkles at the sight of the mess in my lounge room

"Stop judging me please" I tell her as I walk back to my couch flopping down into the position I was before she rudely interrupted me.

"Seriously Charlie your just going to mope around? You haven't gone to work in two weeks" she exclaims.

"And how would you know that?" I ask her raising my eyebrows as she clears a space at the end of the couch sitting next to me.

"Frankie told me when I called him after your mom called me because you're not returning her calls and you're also not returning mine" she says leaning over and pinching my leg to make more room for her.

"Do you mind?" I ask her swating her hand away annoyed.

"Yes I do mind, you've dropped off the face of the planet" She retorts "We're worried about you"

"Yeah well maybe I don't really want to be on the planet right now" I mumble pulling a cushion over my face.

"Are you going to tell me what happened? She asks softly

"Angel is what happened" I groan into the cushion.

"You're gonna need to be more specific than that, what did he do this time?" she asks pulling the cushion off my face.

"We hooked up" I tell her.

"And? Was it terrible? I don't think bad sex is enough to make you wallow for two weeks" she replies mockingly.

"Funny" I reply, sitting up I snatch the cushion back holding it close to my body. "He was here and he fell asleep next to me and I had that damn dream again, where I just replay that week on a loop, over and over"

"Oh babe, I'm sorry, did you tell him about your dream?"

"Not in so many words" I groan "but I did confront him and let's just say it didn't go so well"

"Well it's about time that you confronted him about that you let him get away with it for too long" she replies her annoyance seeping through every word.

"Yeah well it turns out it wasn't all true" I mumble bitterly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Emily asked me quizzically.

"According to Angel he never cheated, He just wanted me to leave and that was the end of that conversation, I flipped out and demanded he leave" I tell her, I can feel the tears welling up again.

"I'm sorry what?" Emily exclaims "that is ridiculous! How could he do that to you? why would he lie to you?" she rants, her small frame shaking in rage.

"I don't know Em, I don't know" I say closing my eyes willing the tears not to spill out.

"Are you okay?" she asks softly.

"Not really, I just need to be alone and I need to figure this shit out" I tell her wiping my eyes.

"And what happens when you figure it out?" she asked watching me

"I don't know, I really don't. I've been through so much this last year and even before that and being back here is like ripping off a Band-Aid but the wound underneath hasn't healed and Angel is just rubbing salt in it"

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