Chapter Thirty-two

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Charlie's POV

Nine days I've been cooped up in this house, and I'm starting to go a bit crazy, I can feel resentment, frustration and anger bubbling under my skin, sinking into my muscles and cutting at my bones. I've taken to running laps of my hallway and doing a circuit of squats, pushups, sit-ups and pull-ups just to keep myself moving.

"Can you stop that or else I may just fucking kill you" Sabella calls out as I run past her room, I come to grinding halt.

"You're awake" I pant.

"Clearly" she replies sarcastically sitting up "can I have some water" she demands.

I head down to the kitchen grabbing a couple of bottles out of the fridge and head back to her room, handing her one and sitting down, gulping down half a bottle for myself.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Like I've been shot seven times" her response curt.

"Fuck you" I explode standing up "I didn't have to fucking help you, you show up on my doorstep bleeding the fuck out, bringing some sort of fucking war to my town, then you drop a bombshell on me that we are fucking sisters and pass out for two days. So I'm fucking sorry for trying to be nice but if you like I'm more than happy to drag your ass out to the curb and whoever picks you up first, you're their problem" I say storming out of the room slamming the door behind me, shaking with rage.

Sliding down the wall I close my eyes desperate for something, anything to show I'm doing the right thing. A gentle knock at my front door causes me to jump, getting up I take the safety off my gun as I approach the door. Looking out the peephole I see Chucky standing there.

"I'm not a Mayan so don't shoot" he stammers holding his hands up.

Groaning I unlock the door holding my gun out I open the door "are you alone?"

I can see Chucky is uncomfortable "yes" he gulps.

I nod gesturing him in, he scuttles past me into my living room.

"What a beautiful home" he says looking around.

"I know you're not here to admire my throw pillows Chucky, what do you want?"

"Bishop has requested a meeting, a civil proceeding. He suggested coffee" Chucky says smiling at me.

"Coffee?" I say puzzled.

"He just wants to talk to you, you and him no one else, he also asked you didn't mention this meeting to the other two idiots. I personally don't like lying but he said this was important" Chucky trails off.

"Alright Chucky, tell the boss man, 4pm sharp, my place and if he's late I'm not opening the door"

Chucky just nods before scurrying out my front door. Dead Bolting it behind him I wonder what Bishop wants and why he doesn't want Angel or Coco to know.

Thinking it over I head up to my room and climb into a hot shower hoping it calms my nerves.

Sabella hasn't called out for me, I heard her get up and use the bathroom even showering but she hasn't asked for anything and my pride is getting the better of me, I know she must be starving or need something but I don't care.

3:55pm a sharp knock at my door pulls me from my aimless magazine flipping, putting it down I grab my gun removing the safety and check the door. Seeing that it's Bishop I let him in.

He's true to his word and appears to be alone, holding two Starbucks cups, kicking the door shut behind him and locking it, I point my gun towards the kitchen "let's go" I tell him.

He smirks and heads into the kitchen taking a seat at my breakfast nook.

"You know this is a friendly civil meeting" he says smiling placing a cup in front of me. Putting the safety on I eye him warily.

"What do you want Bishop?" I ask leaning on the nook.

"How is she?" He asks taking a sip of his coffee.

"What do you care?" I ask watching him closely, Bishop shrugs his face neutral

"I don't just wondering" he remarks.

I don't respond, most people will continue to talk to fill the silence and I'm hoping Bishop is one of them, I'm hoping he shows his cards.

"Look Charlie, I don't want a war on my doorstep, and you've got my club all fucked up right now and honestly I like you or else I would have kicked in that door and put a bullet between your eyes a long time ago" he says watching me "I don't Sabella, but I also don't want a war, I want her out of our town safely and quietly and our lives to go back to normal and I get the feeling you want the same thing"

"What do you want from me?" I ask curiously

"Five minutes with both of you, I don't think she's going to appreciate us scheming behind her back" he says smirking again.

Shaking my head I suppress a laugh, knowing that he's right.

"Give me a minute to warn her" I say grabbing my gun and heading down the hallway.

Stopping outside the door I say a silent prayer before gently knocking "Sabella?" I say pushing the door open.

Inside Sabella is on the bed, blood everywhere.

"Bishop" I scream, he's next to me in two seconds.

"Fuck" he mutters pushing me out of the way, checking her body for the source pulling out his phone he hits the speed dial and yells my name and Sabella's down the receiver before hanging up.

He's back to applying pressure to a new wound on Sabella's chest.

"Charlie, go to room pack a bag now, we need to go," he tells me "now"

I nod racing down the hall, as soon as I enter my room, my body is slammed into the floor and my gun goes flying, I let out a scream to alert Bishop we aren't alone and start to fight back.

My foot colliding with their knee, knocking them to the ground as I wiggle out of the grip for my gun.

The reach for me dragging me back towards them, aiming wildly I fire my gun, from the grunt I certain I have at least hit them. Before I can move I feel a sharp sting and everything goes black. 

This Hurts Like Hell - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now