Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: TW Death - Also this is sad as fuck so I am sorry. 3.2k words so its also long. 

Charlie's POV - Eight years ago

Walking out of the labs I bask in the warmth of the sun, looking around campus I am always amazed at how empty it looks over summer semester. Checking my watch I smile, realising Angel would be here in a few hours I skip to my car.

Pulling into my apartment complex I grab my book bag out and head upstairs, happiness radiating out of me, as I open the door throwing my bag and keys down. I head into the kitchen to get everything prepared for dinner.

As I enter the kitchen I hear my cell phone ringing, I head back to my book bag dumping the contents unable to find my phone. It stops ringing momentarily, then starts again.

Looking around puzzled, I start to follow the sound of the ringtone, finding my phone on my bed, I see Emily's name flashing on the screen. Smiling I pick up.

"Hey babe, how are you?" I ask

"Oh thank god" Emily sobs "I've been trying to get hold of you for hours"

"I'm sorry, I had an exam and I left my phone at home, what's wrong?" I ask panic gripping me.

"I need you to come home" she sobs hysterically, I can barely make out the words.

"Em, calm down, what's wrong?" I ask my voice getting slightly panicked.

"Please just get on the next flight home" she says, before she can continue I hear someone call her name and the line goes dead.

Panicking I redial her number, but she doesn't answer, so I try Angel next his phone goes straight to voicemail, the same with Ez's.

Panicking that something terrible has happened I grab my duffle bag out of my closet and start shoving clothes into it as I call my mom.

I get no answer so I call her office, Thea answers "Doctor Cooper's office, how can I help you?" her voice sounds funny, like she's got a cold.

"Hey Thea, it's Charlie, can I please speak to my mom, it's an emergency" I say my words tripping over each other.

"Oh baby girl, she's at the hospital, I'm so sorry for your loss sweet-pea" she says as she starts crying.

Stunned I drop my bag "my loss Thea? What are you talking about?" I ask confused.

Thea takes a sharp breathe in "oh sweet-pea you don't know?" she asks

"Know what Thea? Everyone is scaring me, what is going on?" I demand.

"I think it's better if your mama or someone else tells you, I assume you're on your way home?" she replies.

"Thea what is going on?" I repeat.

Thea starts crying again and I can't understand her words "Thea please have my mom call me as soon as she can" I reply fighting back tears.

I finish packing my bag and call a cab, while waiting for a cab I call the airline and book myself on the next flight home, luckily for me there is a flight in an hour.

After booking my flight, I spend the whole ride to the airport trying to reach my mom, Angel, Ez or Emily but I get no answer.

My flight passes in a blur and I barely remember getting off the plane or into a cab, before I realise the cab pulls up in front of Santo Padre General. Walking inside I head up to the front desk.

"How can I help you?" the friendly nurse behind the counter asks.

Before I can open my mouth, tears start streaming down my face "I don't know" I gasp between sobs, feeling panic welling up inside of me "my mom is a doctor, Dr. Cooper, she's suppose to be here and I can't get ahold of her" I sob.

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