Chapter Ten

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Twelve years ago

The five of us squeeze into a booth at Mays, Angel, Ez and Johnny on one side, Em and I on the other.

"So I have an amazing idea for spring break" Angel says

Emily and I look at him warely

"Road trip to" He says dramatically drumming on the table "Mexico!"

"Yeah that's not happening" I say

"What? Why?" Ez asks me

"One, my mother will never allow it, two, your father will never allow it and three we are all broke" I tell them counting off the reasons on my fingers

"One, I will convince your mother, two, my parents already said yes as long as I supervise Ez, and three Johnny and I just came into some cash and we want to treat you guys" Angel replies smugly

"Angel, my mother hates you, there's no way you can convince her to let me go to Mexico for spring break, also what money did you two idiots come into?" I ask

"Your mother doesn't hate me, she just doesn't love yet and never you mind" Angel tells me

Before I can continue a waitress comes over pouring us coffee

"Thank you" the five of us chorus

Dumping four packets of sugar into my coffee I stir it glaring it Angel "how did you get the money?" I ask again

"Johnny and I did some work" he replies defensively

"What kind of work?" I ask

"Why aren't you grilling him?" Angel replies nodding towards Johnny

"Because he's not my boyfriend" I reply

Before we can continue arguing May comes out with enough cheesy fries to feed a small army

"Eat up my babies" she says smiling at us

Picking at the cheesy fries in front of me, I turn to Ez "what do you know about the dumb shit these two are doing?"

"Uhh nothing" he replies shoving a fork full of fries in his mouth

"Well, you guys can go on the road trip but there is no way my mom is going to let me go" I tell the table

"We'll see about that" Angel replies

The next day

"Hey mama" I say walking into the kitchen dropping my bag at the breakfast bar

"Hey baby girl" she replies looking up from the stack of papers in front of her "how was cheer?"

"It was good" I reply grabbing some juice out of the fridge and sitting down

"Who are those from?" I ask pouring myself a glass of juice and nodding towards the flowers

"Angel" my mother replies looking at me "why didn't you tell me about the plan to go to Mexico for spring break?"

Groaning "Reyes" I mutter looking at my mother "I knew you would say no so I didn't bother asking"

"Oh baby girl" my mom replies reaching across the bench for my hand "if it's important to you and you follow the rules I'm sure we can work something out"

Looking puzzled "what?" I ask

Laughing my mom comes around wrapping her arms around me "I have to let you grow up sometime, you're off to college next year"

"So I can go to Mexico?" I ask slowly

"There will be rules but yes, if that's what you want" she says

This Hurts Like Hell - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now