Chapter Twenty

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Angel's POV

Pulling into the gas station, I quickly adjust myself and head inside, nodding to the guy behind the counter. I quickly locate the condoms grabbing two boxes and head up to pay.

"And a box of marlboro reds please" I say throwing the boxes down.

He grabs the smokes for me and quickly rings everything up, handing over the cash I grab my stuff and start to head out the door, colliding with someone.

"Shit, sorry" I say bending down to grab the box of condoms that fell.

"All good" Frankie's voice says as I stand.

"Hey Frankie" I say smiling at the sheriff, I watch as he glances around the station, his eyes resting on Charlie's car before they come back to rest on my hands.

"Big night?" he asks smirking.

"Yeah, I'm uhh, borrowing Charlie's car" I say feebly.

"Well, make sure it gets back to her in one piece" Frankie says smiling at me as he walks inside.

Groaning I head to Charlie's car, throwing everything on the passenger seat I pull out of the gas station and head back to hers.

Parking the car back in the driveway, I head inside kicking my boots off and locking the door behind me.

"I hope you're still awake" I call out, as I head down to the bedroom. Charlie is curled up in the blankets softly snoring, her body illuminated by the moonlight seeping in through her open curtains. Sighing, I put the condoms on the bedside table, closing the curtains I strip down to my boxers, climbing into bed with her, I pull her into my chest. She throws her leg over mine and snuggles in deep.

My fingers gently brush her hair as I drift off to sleep, deeply breathing in the familiar scent and warmth of Charlie.

"I missed you" I mutter as I drift off. 

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