Chapter Five

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"Cooper, my office now" Frankie's voice booms across the station

Sighing I lock my computer and head over to Frankie's office closing the door behind me.

"Interesting thing happened today" Frankie says gesturing for me to take a seat, slumping in the chair across from him he continues "I ran into Wilson today and he told me how my lovely new deputy came by the other night and arrested a drunk Angel Reyes. Now imagine my surprise when I checked the logs and there is no record of Angel Reyes being arrested"

"That is an interesting story" I reply picking at a loose thread on the chair

"Dammit Charlie, I asked if your relationship with Reyes was going to impact your ability to do this job and you told me no" he replies rubbing his temples

"Look, I showed up at Wilson's, Angel was blackout drunk, he thought I was you if that gives you any indication of how drunk he was so I put him in the back of the cruiser and let him sleep it off in the cells, I think he's learnt his lesson" I reply taking a deep breath I continue "my past with Angel won't impact my ability to do this job, I assessed the situation and I made a judgement call"

Sighing Frankie looks at me "next time you make a judgement call when it comes to Reyes, run it by me first okay? Or else I will write you up"

"Sure thing boss" I reply my tone slightly more sarcastic than I intended

"Wait, Reyes thought you were me?" He asks chuckling "does he know your back in town yet?"

"Yeah I may have broken him out of jail for breakfast" I reply smirking

Frankie glares at me

"What? It's not like I actually arrested him" I reply shrugging

Groaning Frankie replies "Get out of my office and don't make anymore judgement calls please"

Standing up and walking to the door I pause "Thanks Frankie, I really do appreciate it"

"Yeah, yeah don't make me regret it" he says waving me out.

Walking back out to my desk I'm surprised to see the younger Reyes brother leaning on it

"Ez" I say warmly embracing him "what a nice surprise"

Hugging me tightly "Charlie, it's good to see you" pulling apart I look Ez up and down taking in the changes since I last saw him

"Am I totally putting my foot in my mouth if I say prison did you some good?" I ask

Ez laughs "yes but it wouldn't be you if you didn't"

"Well you look Ez" I reply

"Are you free for lunch?" He asks me

"Only if your paying" I reply smiling

We head out of the station and I spy pops truck in front of Ralph's pizza, without talking we both cross the street and enter Ralphs.

Ordering a couple of slices each and sodas we thank Ralph and head out to the pickup, Ez flips the back down and we climb on.

"I'm surprised the truck is still running" I say smiling fondly at the memories

"Yeah well you know Pop" Ez replies "if it ain't broke don't fix it"

"How you settling in?" Ez asks me taking a bite of his slice

"Good, it's like I never left" I reply

"Have you seen Em?" he asks avoiding my eyes

"Jesus Ez, is that why you asked me to lunch?" I ask him annoyed

"I'm just worried about her that's all" he says giving me puppy dog eyes

"Well stop worrying about her, she's fine, she's happy and she's moved on so maybe you should too" I tell him

"You're one to talk" he says taking a bite of his slice

"Apparently prison made you sassy" I reply "Angel and I are completely different than you and Emily and you know it"

We finish our pizza in silence

"You know she did exactly what you wanted her to do, she moved on and now that you're out, it doesn't change anything for her Ez and you need to accept that no matter how bad it hurts" I tell him wiping my hands on a napkin

"I know, it's just hard to see what could have been right in front of you, but you can't touch it" he says taking the rubbish out of my hands

"You're not wrong about that" I reply taking a deep breath "well that's enough serious shit for today" pushing myself off the tray I give Ez a one sided hug "thanks for lunch"

"You're welcome, you should come for dinner on Sunday, Pops would love it" he tells me

"Yeah let me check my shifts" I say non committal

"Family dinner won't kill you" he says smirking

"No, but I might kill your brother" I reply laughing

"See ya Charlie" he says as I walk back to the station

Waving goodbye I head back into my desk 'Chairlie what have you gotten yourself into?' I think to myself as I plop down at my desk  

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