Chapter Eighteen

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Ten years earlier

"Mama" I call out my voice full of exhaustion as I dump my bags in the hallway.

"Hey baby girl" she replies stepping out of the kitchen.

I collapse into her arms sobbing, my body heaving.

"Hey baby girl what's wrong?" She asks softly smoothing my hair, as she walks me over to the lounge.

Wrapping me up in her arms "college, it's just so hard" I moan before breaking out in another wave of sobs "I miss you and angel and my bed."

I feel like I can't breathe as my mom rubs my back "Hazel, you need to breathe, in through your mouth, out through your nose okay?" She says as kneels in front of me.

She mimics the breathing style she wants me to do and once my breathing returns to normal "do you need some water?" she asks me softly, I just nod, wiping the tears off my face.

Returning from the kitchen she hands me a glass of water "how long have you been having panic attacks for?" she asks rubbing my back.

"All year" I reply feeling embarrassed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asks.

"Because I didn't want you to worry or think I wasn't strong enough" I reply taking a deep gulp of water.

"Oh my sweet baby girl, panic attacks don't mean you're not strong, you're a fighter my love, but you need to talk to someone about this" she replies.

"Always the doctor" I reply laughing.

"I will make you an appointment tomorrow" she says pulling me back into her arms.

"Mama?" I ask softly.

"Mmm" she replies, her hand rubbing small circles around my back.

"How did you know that my father was the one you wanted to be with forever?" I ask.

"He calmed my soul, I knew from the moment he touched me that he was going to change my whole life" she says kissing my forehead "Is this about Angel?" she asks me.

"I hate being apart from him, I feel like part of me is missing" I reply "and everytime I leave it gets harder, it's like another part of me is ripped from my body. It's stupid isn't it? We're so young"

"Oh mija, age means nothing, I was only eighteen when I met your father, you cannot help how you feel" she replies smoothing my hair "and as much as I hate to admit it, you and Angel are two pieces of the same puzzle. That boy would walk through hell for you."

"Yeah but for how long?" I ask holding back tears.

"Baby girl" she says tilting my chin up so I am looking at her "that boy will love you until the day he dies, three more years at college is nothing in the long run, but if you really want to come home, I can't stop you."

Snuggling back into my mom, I let her back rubs soothe me and soon I find myself drifting off.

The next day

Rolling over, I find myself falling "owww" I groan as I hit the floor.

Sitting up and looking around I realise I am on my lounge room floor, pulling myself off the floor I head into the kitchen I see a note in front of the coffee pot, as i turn it on I read;

'Call me at work when you wake up, I have something important to tell you love mom'

Grabbing the phone off the wall I dial my moms office number,

"Good afternoon Doctor Cooper's office, how can I help you?" Thea my moms receptionists voice fills my ears.

"Hey Thea, it's Charlie, how are you?" I ask as the coffee finishes.

"I'm alright sweetheart, how are you going? Glad to be home?" her warm southern voice flows down the line.

"I sure am" I reply smiling "Is my mom around? She left a note for me to call her" I ask.

"She's just finished with a patient let me put you through" she says.

"Hey baby girl" my mom says a moment later "sorry I left you on the couch, you just looked to peaceful to move"

"Its okay, it was the best sleep I have had in a long time" I reply.

"I bet" she says laughing "since it's 1pm and you're only just calling me"

"So what's so important?" I ask pouring myself a coffee.

"Well, there's a box upstairs in your bedroom on your bed I need you to go open it and follow the instructions alright?" she says mysteriously.

"Ummm okay?" I reply "what's going on?"

"I can't tell you, but have fun" she replies hanging up.

Finishing my coffee in two gulps I head upstairs to my bedroom, in the centre of my bed is a giant box with a bow on it, opening it up, I see a beautiful dress inside and a card.

'Charlie, put this on and meet me at May's' I recognise Angel's shaky handwriting instantly.

Laughing I shower and get ready, slipping the dress over my head I do a twirl in front of the mirror.

'Alright Reyes what are you up to?" I mutter as I slip on my shoes.

Heading downstairs I grab my purse and keys, locking up I climb into my car, as soon as I start my car, music blares "what the hell" I mutter knowing that I this wasn't the CD I had in when I was in my car yesterday.

Hitting eject I see Angel's handwriting on the CD 'Listen to me as you drive to Mays' putting it back in I'm surprised to find it full of love songs.

Pulling into the parking lot at Mays I am shocked to see the parking lot empty, even at 3am there is at least four or five cars here.

Climbing out of my car I walk inside, the whole place is full of twinkle lights and I see Angel at our usual booth, it's full of flowers and balloons.

Walking over to him I throw my arms around him, kissing him deeply "I missed you" I say between kisses.

"I missed you too" he says hugging me tightly.
"So what is all of this?" I ask looking at the booth.

"I just wanted to do something nice" he says looking nervous as he releases me from his embrace.

"I know you better than that, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Alright, here goes" Angel replies rubbing his hands down his jeans "Hazel Cooper, the moment you walked into my English class four years ago, I knew my life was changed forever, your smile made the whole world turn upside down and I knew I couldn't live without you. You make me a better person, and I cannot imagine my life without you, and I know you have all these dreams and plans but I want to be with you when you achieve them. Charlie, will you marry me?" getting down on one knee Angel pulls a ring out of his pocket, holding it out to me.

I can feel tears spilling down my face, as I get down on the ground with Angel, my hands cupping his face I kiss him deeply "Yes Angel Reyes, I will marry you" I reply kissing him again.

This Hurts Like Hell - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now