Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Charlie's POV

"We need to leave now," I say, hobbling into our room, pulling what little clothes I've collected since being here, dumping them in the middle of the bed as I frantically start looking for a bag.

"Think smart char, we can't," Sab tells me, as she closes the door behind her, leaning against the wall, arms folded.

"Yes we can, we are leaving, I cannot and will not stay here with him"

"We have to stay," she tells me, her tone soft but stern, like she's talking to a child.

"No" I barely manage to get out as I look up at her. I feel the weight of everything we've been through the past few months crashing into me, moving back feels like a lifetime ago. I can barely breathe through as the heaviness sets in, my mind taken over by thoughts of Angel. Collapsing to the floor my body is wracked with sobs, I'm convulsing as Sab takes me in her arms, cocooning me.

"You need to be smart, trying to leave while high on emotions and still injured, you'll get nowhere. Think with your head, not your heart" she murmurs while rubbing my back "i know this hurts, I know you're going through hell but you've got to keep going, do not let him win, you're so much stronger than that"

"What if I'm not" I gulp.

"Don't ever let a man make you feel less than you are, you have tonight to cry, but tomorrow morning I expect you to have your shit together"

Nodding she helps me off the floor and I push everything off the bed onto the floor, crawling under the covers I pull them over my head and let the tears fall. I mourn the life I wanted for Angel and everything I've lost.

"Tomorrow will be better" I whisper.

Angel's POV

"What the fuck Bishop" i bellow stepping towards him, Tranq is between us before I can even blink.

"Calm hermano" Tranq says, his hand on my chest, blocking me.

"I will not calm down, thats my fucking girl. I've been killing myself trying to find her and you've had her this whole time" I growl pushing against Tranq ready for my rage to unfurl against Bishop's face.

Bishop pinches the bridge of his nose sighing "I didn't have a choice" he leans back in the booth seat he's in taking a swing of his beer.

"Fuck you, you had a choice you just chose wrong"

"Am I interrupting?" a strong female voice says from the doorway behind me, turning to look it's the same woman who was with Charlie when she came in earlier, she doesn't wait for a response. Strolling into the kitchen she reaches up onto the shelf pulling down a bottle of dark liquid, pouring two strong glasses she takes them over, making herself comfortable in the booth with Bishop. Sitting to his left but with a distance between them, she slides him the other glass, taking a sip of her own she turns to me.

"Do you ever think she didn't want you to find her?" her words sting, like salt in a wound.

"Did I ask you?" I snipe back.

"Sab, I suggest you don't," Bishop says, not a warning, just advice.

My brain processes who she is, Sabella, president of Hijas De Muerte shit.

My rage simmering, threatening to burst "What the fuck is even going on here?"

The room is silent.

"Long story short? Charlie is my sister, everyone wants to kill me" Sabella replies taking a long swing of her drink, looking at Bishop "bringing him here was a mistake"

"Fuck you, where's Charlie I want to speak to her" I interrupt.

"Tranq, Angel will be in the guest house, can you please show it to him, Angel do not set foot in this house until morning do you understand me? You need to calm the fuck down"

I don't say another word, storming out I follow Tranq, out the back doors of the cabin, I do a quick sweep and see a set of stairs leading to a second floor, thinking that's where Charlie must be. I hurry to keep up with Tranq.

We cross a dark backyard surrounded by deep pine trees. It's completely silent.

"This is fucking bullshit" I mutter.

We stop at a miniature sized cabin, the door clicks as Tranq stands in front of it, we enter and I realise there is no door handle.

"Look brother, I know you're pissed, I know. But you need to understand that he was protecting them, the bounty on Sabella's head puts Charlie in the crosshairs, and I don't know what his endgame is, but you should be grovelling at his feet not being an asshole" Tranq growls at me "he did what a president does, he kept the club safe and the people we love safe, so pull your head out of ass"

He stares me down, I don't say anything, not wanting to get knocked my ass tonight. "That's what I thought. Here" he says holding his hand out, handing me a bracelet.

"What is this?" I ask.

"It's got a tracker in it, it also opens the doors to this place and the main house, click the left side to unlock, the right side twice to lock the door, always lock the door behind you. I am going up to the main house, I will be staying up there. Get some sleep. We will sit down with Bishop in the morning and find out what the plan is. I suggest you come with a better attitude tomorrow"

He turns and walks out without any further instruction, the door clicking locked behind him.

I lash out kicking the nearest thing I can, my foot colliding with a solid box "motherfucker" I curse jumping up and down.

Knowing Tranq is right doesn't help with my anger, I decided to check out the guest house as Bishop called it. It's not very big, it's got a small living area with a kitchen running along the front, the whole thing is glass and I can see the main house. Walking down a short corridor I find a small bathroom with a shower, sink and toilet and a master bedroom. A massive timber bed sits in the middle of the room, adorned with a thick mattress and plush blankets. I notice some track pants and a flannel shirt folded up on the end of the bed, checking the sizes I realise they will fit and I head into the shower.

Letting the water grow as hot as it can I strip off and step under the spray, slowly releasing all the tension I've been holding onto, 'Charlie is alive, she's safe' I think to myself, I fall to my knees, my head resting against the cold tiles, tears start to fall, cleansing my mind I say a silent prayer I thank God for her safety and my unborn son. 

Sobbing I let the water soothe me, I pray for forgiveness and redemption, exhaustion taking over my eyes grow heavy. I don't know how long I kneel there for, somehow I find the strength to turn the water off and stumble to the bed, collapsing in a heap I pass out.

My teeth chattering wakes me, I'm wrapped in a damp towel and it's freezing, my memory of the night before slowly comes back to me. Looking around the room I spot my duffle, Tranq must have brought it in at some point. I quickly get dressed, slowly warming up.

Looking at the time I see it's 3am, technically it's morning, Bishop can't get mad at me for being in the main house. I grab the bracelet Tranq gave me and I quietly leave the cabin and sneak up to the main house.

Coming up to the door we exited earlier I click the button on the bracelet and the door clicks and I open it slipping inside, pausing listening for any movement. The house is dead silent and I creep through the house and up the stairs, trying not to make any noise in the pitch blackness.

On the landing there are four doors, looking at each them I pick the first door on the right and hope for the best.

Rapping softly with my knuckles, I wait, holding my breath.

The door swings open.


This Hurts Like Hell - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now