Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N: Also a sad update #sorrynotsorry

Angel's POV

Rolling over I am surprised to find Charlie missing and her side of the bed cold, rolling back over I check the time on my phone '3:00am', slipping out of bed I head down the hallway looking for her.

I'm surprised when I see the glow from her back deck lights filtering through her lounge room blinds, grabbing a throw blanket off the couch I head out there.

Pausing in the doorway, I watch Charlie curled up on the outdoor couch, scribbling away in a notebook, she's lost in thought.

Walking out onto the back deck I wrap the throw blanket around her and sit down.

"Since when were you a dear diary type of girl?" I joke.

"Since you broke my heart" she retorts, finishing what she was writing before looking up at me.

Taking a deep breathe I watch as she rubs her wrist, the familiar grooves of her scar centring her.

"Angel, I'm trying to be the cool girl, but I am constantly fighting myself. Part of me wants to be around you and the other part of me hates me for wanting to be around you" she says her voice calm and collected.

"Why? Because you're a cop and I am part of the M.C?" I ask her bitterly.

A strangled laugh comes out as I watch tears well up in her eyes "it has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with the fact you broke my heart into a million pieces Angel. That day after the diner, I never thought I would be able to look at you again. It took me months to function, years before I even dated. You destroyed every bit of trust I had" she tells me, as the tears spill down her cheeks.

My insides turn to ice, as I try to push the memories of that summer back down.

I hang my head in shame, hating myself for what I did to her "Charlie" I start but the words are lost on me as I watch her cry. Reaching for her hand she flinches and pulls away.

"Why?" she asks me "Why not just break up with me? Did you ever once think about me when you were screwing other girls?"

Sighing I rub my face "There was no one else" I tell her, I watch as her face contorts from confusion to rage.

"What?" she asks me in disbelief.

"I don't know why I told you that, I just wanted to be alone and I regret every single word I said to you that day, I wanted to chase after you and beg your forgiveness, but I knew you deserved better than me" I tell her "I'm sorry."

Wiping the tears off her face she stands up "You're sorry?, oh well I guess all is forgiven" she says sarcastically "Angel, I need you to leave, or else I am going to say something I will regret" she tells me as she storms inside.

Sighing I follow her inside, I watch as she walks into the bathroom slamming the door behind her. Heading down to the bedroom I grab my clothes off the floor and quickly get dressed. Stopping outside the bathroom door I knock gently "Charlie, I know I fucked up, but I want to fix this, please tell me how" I tell her, pressing my head to the bathroom door.

I hear her crying through the door "I don't think you can" she tells me.

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