Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/N: Please if you like this update, comment and vote! Also if you think Sabella needs her own story let me know! Because I have something up my sleeve for her for 2020, and I want to know if people would be interested in it!

Sabella POV

"How's she doin?" Bishop asks as I enter the kitchen.

Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I slowly heap in and stir my sugar, watching Bishop wince at the amount.

"Still out cold" I say sighing, walking over to the breakfast nook, taking a seat in the window seat, wincing as I sit, my wounds still not quite healed.

Bishop's eyes never leave me, as he grabs his own coffee and comes to join me.

"She's been through a lot, she will pull through, Doc said so" he says firmly.

"You know that cocky sure as shit tone might work on your brothers, but it doesn't work on me" I say "nobody knows if she will pull through, that's up to her"

We sit in silence drinking our coffees for a few moments, looking out the window I take in the wild forest surrounding us, the redwoods and pine trees like a fortress, protecting us and keeping the insanity of the real world at bay.

"Have you ever been there?" I ask, watching a cluster of leaves dance on the mid morning breeze.

"Where?" Bishop asks confused his eyes following mine outside.

"Death's door?" I reply.

"Once or twice" he replies, I see him turn back towards me, his eyes studying my face. This is how its been for a week. Bishop constantly watching, his eyes full of questions and concern, but his lips, they rarely say anything of meaning.

"And did you want to come back? Or did you want Santa Muerte to take you?" I ask turning to face him, my eyes meeting his. He flinches at the question, answering before his mouth does.

"Only once, and I've regretted it ever since," he tells me, and the regret is written over his face.

"I tried to bargain my life for hers" I muse, Bishop's eyes grow wide "Charlie has so much to live for, and I've lived, her life, it's just beginning"

Before Bishop can respond his phone rings, looking up at the clock on the wall, I see it's time for his check in with the club. He grabs his coffee answering it and heads outside so I can't eavesdrop. He caught me listening in the second day I was awake, and ever since he's been taking the call outside while I sit in the kitchen within eyesight.

Watching as Bishop plays with his stubble I can't help but wonder what it would feel like dragging down my throat.

Shaking the thought from my head, I drain my cup, getting up to refill it, I head upstairs to check on Charlie.

Taking up the seat beside her bed I watch as sleep, praying she wakes up soon. Two weeks is too long, and as much as I hate to admit I've enjoyed being trapped in the woods with Bishop, I have a life to get back too, there's a war brewing in Santo Padre, and I intend to be the one who ends it, regardless of what Bishop thinks. 

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