Chapter Twenty-Five

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I followed Nestor across the casino floor struggling to keep up with his long strides. After spending the night at work waiting for something terrible to happen, I was surprised when Johnny messaged me at 3am letting me know everything was okay.

I was even more shocked when Nestor woke me up at 10am and basically dragged me out to a waiting SVU, I feel lucky he let me get dressed and brush my teeth.

"Can you tell me what is going on?" I ask him for what seems like the thousandth time.

He continues to ignore my pleas as I basically jog beside him across the casino.

"Can I just have a clue to what's going on?" I beg.

"Do you ever stop asking questions?" he groans.

"No that must be why I am a cop" I respond feeling cocky "can I please just have a hint? What am I walking into?"

Nestor holts putting his arm out to stop me "Look just have your wits about you and keep your guard up Emily will do everything in her power to make sure nothing happens to you but I can't guarantee your safety in my room" he murmurs quickly before resuming his quick strides.

Nervousness washes over me as we continue to walk down a dimly lit corridor, Nestor stops at the last door and quickly knocks before pushing it open and ushering me in. As we enter I'm surprised to see the M.C there, looking around I see that Angel, Johnny and Emily all have a look of surprise on their face as they watch me enter.

The room is full of tension and is divided, the M.C on the left-hand side of the room, Emily and Miguel on the right and in the centre sitting in an armchair is a brunette woman I do not recognise.

"Please Charlie take a seat" Miguel instructs, looking around the room I noticed that there's a free seat on the M.C side, one next to Emily and armchair free across from the brunette woman. Feeling like this is one of Miguel's tests I take a seat in the armchair across from the brunette woman hoping this shows that I haven't picked a side.

I focus on the woman I don't know, who is watching me curiously, as I sit her face breaks out in a Cheshire cat grin as she crosses her arms and she leans back into her chair.

Her arms crossed, she is still smiling at me

"what's going on?" I ask turning to face Miguel and Emily.

Miguel leans forward resting his arms on his legs "It appears we have a problem" he replies watching me closely.

"Well usually when you guys have a problem you reach out to Frankie" I reply watching Miguel closely.

"Well this time we avoided Frankie because this problem involves you" Miguel says "Recently we have partnered with the rebels and our shipments have been interfered with by the Irish mob and another M.C" pausing he tilts his head.

"Okay" I reply slowly "what does this have to do with me?" I ask.

"You tell me" Miguel replies handing me a folder. Keeping my face blank I open the folder up and am confronted by a stack of black-and-white photos taken with the long lens. These photos are of Connor Walsh and myself in an intimate moment.

"Where did you get these?" I ask turning to the brunette woman closing the folder and throwing it on the table.

"I have my sources" she retorts.

"Maybe you should explain those photos Charlie" Miguel interrupts.

"I don't really want to explain those photos they are personal" I replied "and I'd like to know how they became to be in your possession"

The brunette woman across from me smiles "An informant send them to me."

"I don't understand why these photos have anything to do with your problem" I retort.

"Somebody has been feeding this and the Irish syndicate our shipment details and it's just so convenient that it happens to coincide with your return to town and the fact that you and Angel back together" Miguel says laying all his pieces out.

"Okay, well not that this is any of your business but Angel and I aren't back together and I am not the one feeding the irish your shipping details" I reply sighing.

"So it's just a coincidence you and Connor Walsh were previously in a relationship and now the irish are stealing our guns?" The brunette woman interjects smugly.

"Connor Walsh is dead and I had no idea he was part of the Irish mob" I reply softly, avoiding the heated glare from Angel.

"Connor Walsh is not dead" the brunette interjects panic written across his face.

Connor Walsh is definitely dead I put a bullet between his eyes" I reply coldly.

"That's not possible" The woman replies panicked.

"Trust me, I killed him, and his father proceeded to shoot me in the shoulder and I fired back killing Walsh Snr. ruining a 10 year investigation into the Irish in Boston and how I lost my job at the FBI" I reply defeated "are we done?" I ask Miguel.

"No, I want to know what you are doing sleeping with the head of the Irish syndicate" he demands.

I can feel Angel's eyes boring into the back of my head setting my skin on fire. I take a deep breathe and begin my story "When I join the FBI, I was assigned to data Intel, it was a really boring job. I basically did my job and went home. A few nights a week I started drinking at a local bar near my apartment with a couple of girlfriends. Anyway one night a whole bunch of rowdy guys walk in celebrating something one of them happened to be Connor Walsh, he offered to buy me a drink and we spent most of the night flirting. One thing led to another, do I need to finish the story?" I ask struggling to keep my voice even.

"Yes, you do" Miguel replies softly, seeing the struggle in my eyes.

Sighing I continue "well anyway Conner spend the night at my place, he started coming around the bar and sending me flowers. We ended up dating for a couple of months. He gave me a stupid fake last name and I never told him I worked for the FBI. While working in data I came across a whole bunch of voice recordings that pointed towards a large gun shipment coming in relating to the Irish syndicate, so I took it to my boss who ends up putting together a taskforce and I was asked to be on that task force. It a huge promotion for me so we end up doing some undercover work and at this point in time Connor Walsh wasn't known to the FBI being the bastard child. He was definitely kept under wraps only those who run in the inner circles knew who he was" Pausing I stand up and walk over to the bar pouring myself a glass of whiskey, swallowing it in two gulps I pour myself another and head back to the armchair sitting down.

"Anyway we set up a cover as a buyer for these guns, it's going to take place at one of the Irish syndicate strip clubs and my boss thinks that I'd be best if I went in as a dancer so I go through the regular undercover work of becoming a dancer. The whole time I told Connor that I was on a holiday. As the buy was going down in the back room my job was to stumble in in their pretending that I lost my way. But things went south really fast and Connor recognised me. He pulled a gun and shot at me lucky he missed and I managed to take cover. One of his guys starts shooting and I meant to just disarm him but the bullet hit in between the eyes. His father fired a shot at me getting me in the shoulder, as I stumbled back I fired a shot which hit his father in the chest. He died two days later." I drain my drink refusing to look at Angel.

"I got fired from my job and went through eight months of intense surgery and rehab and the Irish syndicate got handed over to Liam Walsh and I've been keeping Connor's death under wraps and that's all I know."

The room is silent as everyone processes what I've just told them.

"So that's the real reason you came home?" Angel spits from across the room.

"Part of it" I reply not looking at him

"I'm done here" I tell Miguel pushing myself out of the armchair, not bothering to wait for his response.

" I'll need to confirm this information Charlie" Miguel calls after me.

"Whatever you need to do" I say turning the knob and walking out the door.  

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