Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

A whole week had passed since Angel showed up on my doorstep, and I hadn't heard a peep from him, having a rare Saturday night off I ordered Chinese food and grabbed a bottle of my favourite wine, preparing to spend the night on my couch binge watching trashy reality tv, however, my phone hasn't stopped vibrating next to me for the last forty minutes while Emily interrogates me.

Em: 'So he just carried you to bed and left?'

Me: 'Yep'

Em: 'That's so unlike him, I'm surprised he didn't climb in next to you'

Me: 'It's not like that Em'

Em: 'Liar'

Me: 'It's been a long time and I'm sure he has a new girlfriend by now'

Em: 'No one since you left, like he sleeps around but they aren't you'

Me: 'the fact that you know so much about my ex's sex life is concerning, and also shut up'

Throwing my phone on the coffee table I sigh, grabbing my wine glass I gulp down the last two mouthfuls and fill it back up.

Laying down on my couch I start to channel surf, trying to find something worth watching a knock at my door catches my attention, I didn't hear a car pull up.

Reaching under my coffee table I pull out my .38 that is concealed under there, tiptoeing to the door I look outside the peephole

I see Johnny holding Angel up, he's bleeding and his face is messed up "Shit" I mutter.

Shoving my gun in the back of pyjamas pants I open the door "Hospitals 20 miles that way" I point down the street

"Come on Charlie" Johnny says softly

Sighing I step back letting them in, a large guy follows behind "Bathrooms down the hall" I say pointing in the direction as I shut the door behind them locking it.

I head into my kitchen pulling a bottle of whisky off the fridge and head down to the bathroom.

Walking in I find Angel slumped on my toilet seat with Johnny sitting on the bathtub and the big guy standing between them holding Angel up.

"Gilly, Charlie, Charlie, Gilly" Johnny says pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his Kutte

"I know you aren't planning on lighting up in my bathroom Johnny" I say as I bend down pulling out my first aid kit.

"Expecting trouble?" Gilly asks me

Pulling my .38 out and placing it on the sink "in this town you never know who is going to be knocking on your door" I tell him

Standing up I grab a face towel, soaking it in water and wringing it out, I start to clean up Angel's face.

"So what happened?" I ask holding a barely conscious Angel between my fingers

"Club shit" Johnny says from the bath fiddling with his lighter

"What happened to not bringing club shit to my door?" I say looking at him, Gilly watching us closely

"Yeah well" Johnny replies trailing off "Shit happens"

"Hold him" I tell Gilly as I open the bottle of whisky, Gilly grips Angel tightly as I pour a decent amount over Angel's face

Angel winces and lets out a pained moan "Good, I hope it fucking hurts asshole" I tell him

Reaching for the first aid kit I grab out the needle and thread turning to Johnny "full warning I've had almost a whole bottle of wine so this might be sloppy" I tell him

"You can't make his ugly mug any worse" Johnny says smirking

Pulling the thread through Angel's eyebrow, I apply four stitches and apply tape to make sure they stay in.

Gently touching his nose I feel the break "his nose is broken, can you hold him again?" I ask Gilly

"Sorry asshole" I say as a manoeuvre it back into place

"Fuck" Angel exclaims as his nose starts pissing blood

"You alright?" I ask pushing the face towel to his nose mopping up the blood

"I am now" he says smiling up at me slurring his words

Rolling my eyes I continue to clean up his face, Angel slumps his head back passing back out

Cleaning up the sink, I put the first aid kit back where it goes "Alright, can you put him in the bedroom?" I ask Gilly and Johnny

They nod lifting Angel up and carrying him to the bedroom I head back to the lounge room, putting my gun back under the table, Johnny and Gilly head into the lounge room. I walk into the kitchen grabbing two beers out of the fridge and hand them to them.

Grabbing my wine off the table, I finish it in a single gulp "Want to tell me what the fuck is going on?" I ask the two of them

Johnny sits down on the couch opening his beer "Shit went sideways with the rebels and Angel got into a fight with one of them" he mutters

"She knows?" Gilly asks Johnny

"Yeah, I told her and Angel doesn't know, so keep your mouth shut" He replies

Rubbing my temples I look at Johnny "How bad did things go?" I ask

"Nothing that can't be fixed" he says taking a swing from his beer

Looking at Gilly I can't get a read on him, he stands completely still his face expressionless

"Well you can leave him here and I'll take him home in the morning" I say

"Thanks Charlie" Johnny says "it's good to have you home"

Snorting I get up taking my wine glass to the kitchen, Johnny follows me

"I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to take him" he says softly

"It's fine" I reply wrapping my arms around him "You're a good friend"

"I'm a terrible friend for dragging you into this" he replies

"You're call came at the right time, I needed an excuse to leave" I say resting my head on his shoulder

Breaking our hug, Johnny looks at me "You ever going to tell me about that?" he asks

"Nope" I reply heading back into the lounge room, opening the front door "Goodnight gentleman, please let's not make this a habit"

Both Gilly and Johnny mutter their goodnights heading outside "If he gets worse let me know" Johnny says

Nodding I close the door locking it behind me, sighing I look down the corridor, heading into my bedroom I grab my pillow and a throw blanket.

"Charlie?" Angel mutters from the bed

"Yeah" I whisper looking at him, realising he's asleep

"Hazel please" he mutters under his breath, pain on his face

Tears spring to my eyes, taking a deep breathe I head out of the bedroom, quickly getting changed I turn my tv off and curl up on my couch, only once I'm engulfed in darkness do I let the tears silently fall. 

This Hurts Like Hell - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now