Chapter Twelve

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"so how's things with Angel?" Emily asks as we sit down at the table

Ignoring her I look over the menu, desperate for food.

"How's work?" she asks

"It's good, it's much slower than what I am use too, but I will adjust" I tell her

"Oh so you can hear?" she asks me smugly

"We're not talking about Angel" I tell her "How's Miguel?"

"He's good, he misses you, wants you to come for dinner soon" she replies

"I'll let you know when I'm free" I tell her

The waitress arrives at our table taking our orders, after she leaves Emily studies me

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about Angel?" she asks raising her eyebrow at me

"He's frustrating, annoying and a pain" I tell her rolling my eyes

"So he's still the same he was at seventeen?" Emily asks chuckling

"I don't know, he's changed, he's just still Angel" I reply shrugging my shoulders

"Do you still love him?" she asks no judgement in her voice

"Honestly? I don't know, he's not the Angel I knew but there's still a part of him I know" I tell her

"You'll always love him, you may not be in love with him, but he will always have a piece of you" she says

"Like you and Ez?" I ask

Emily doesn't respond

"What is going on with you two? We had lunch the other week and he was asking about you" I ask her

Shrugging she looks down "honestly, I don't know, him being back here, it's weird" she says "I moved on and made plans, got married, don't get me wrong I love Miguel, but I never thought Ez was getting out early and now here we are"

"Have you seen him lately?" I ask

Her silence provides all the answers I need

"Emily" I say sighing "you're being careful right? Miguel will kill him if he finds out"

"Frankie has been helping me" she says quietly

"Of course he has" I reply rolling my eyes " and he give me shit for talking to Angel"

The waitress arrives with our coffees and breakfast

"thank you" I tell her

Turning to Emily "How is it we are two smart successful women and all we have to talk about is the Reyes brothers?" I ask her

Laughing she takes a sip of her coffee "I don't even know"

Four hours and a lot of mimosas later

"We should egg their houses" Emily exclaims from across the table her cheeks flushed

"or fill their houses with balloons" I say my words slightly slurring

"that's a lot of balloons" Emily says thinking about it

"oh yeah" I reply trying to think of what else we could do

"What if, we fill Ez's trailer with balloons and put dish soap in Angel's washer causing his place to fill with bubbles?" she asks excitedly

"Yes" I exclaim

"Let's go" she says a playful smile on her face she signals the waitress

"Excuse me? Could I get two bottles of champagne to go?" she asks

"Of course Mrs. Galindo anything you need" the waitress replies

Beaming Emily hands over her credit card and as the waitress leaves Emily signals her security guard

"Nestor, could you please find out where we can get around 100 helium balloons please?" she asks him

He looks at her puzzled "Any particular colour?"

"Penis shaped!" I exclaim laughing

"Yes" Emily responds laughing

"Okay" he replies pulling out his phone and walking off

The waitress returns with Emily's credit card and two bottles of champagne

We start to head out to the car, climbing into the back of the SUV Nestor turns to us and says "We can go collect your balloons in twenty minutes"

"Nestor, you are amazing now can we please have some fun music?" I ask as I pop a bottle of champagne

Turning the radio up Emily and I pass the bottle of champagne between us as we dance and laugh to the music.

Forty minutes later we somehow manage to fit 100 penis shaped balloons between two SUVs and are heading towards the scrapyard. Nestor parks around the back as Emily and I climb out

"This is a bad idea" he says watching us struggling to get the balloons out

"Well lucky for you we don't care what you think" I say as Emily and I head off to find a spot to get into the scrapyard.

After stumbling around the side we decide to jump the fence, after a few failed attempts I finally get Emily over as I throw her the balloons and scramble over the fence, landing on my ass we both smother a laugh.

The yard is weirdly quiet as we sneak through to Ez trailer, picking the lock we shove the balloons inside, ripping the bag that they came in letting them float through the trailer. We quickly shut the door trapping the balloons inside.

Laughing we start running back to the fence, boosting Emily over I quickly follow as we run back to the car

"Drive" Emily yells laughing as she dramatically dives into the backseat

Climbing in behind her Nestor starts the car "where to now?" he asks

"Angel's place" I tell him giving him the address, I'm fairly sure I see him roll his eyes

Pulling into Angel's driveway I jump out finding the spare key we head inside, Emily heads straight to the kitchen digging under the sink.

"He has no detergent" she says puzzled

"Why am I not surprised?" I hear Nestor from behind us "This should work" he says holding up a bottle of car washing liquid

Laughing I gleefully take it off him "I thought this was a bad idea?" I ask him

Shrugging he just laughs "there's still around 50 balloons in the other car as well" he says

"What are you waiting for? Go get them!" Emily exclaims as we head into Angel's laundy, pouring half the bottle of the liquid into the machine we turn it on.

Heading back into the lounge room Nestor walks in with the balloons, we fill Angel's bedroom shutting the door the three of us giggling.

We head back out to the car locking the door behind us.

Collapsing in fits of giggles Emily and I pop the last bottle of champagne "Home Nestor" Emily says as we pull out of the driveway. 

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