Chapter Fifteen

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Waking up I'm surprised to find myself in my bed, sitting up I climb out of bed, looking for my phone I head down to the lounge room.

Angel is sprawled out across my couch asleep, his long legs hanging off the edge. Smiling to myself I slip past him grabbing my phone off the table and heading into the kitchen.

Throwing my phone on charge I start to brew coffee, making Angel's cup extra sweet I head into the lounge room.

"Hey sleeping beauty" I whisper tickling his nose

"Hey" he mumbles sleepily, trying to roll over he almost falls off my couch.

Laughing I sit on the coffee table, "come on, I made coffee" I say

Sitting up he rubs the sleep out of his eyes "coffee?" He asks a smile on his face.

Handing him a mug I sit next to him on the couch.

"So what's the plan for today?" He asks me taking a sip

"I need to do laundry and clean up" I reply

"Nah, I've got a better idea" he says looking at me smirking.

Raising my eyebrow "which is?" I ask

"Let's go for a ride" he says standing up stretching

"I'm not really in the mood" I tell him pulling my legs up under me

"Too bad, we're going for a ride" he tells me, grabbing his cigarettes out of his kutte which is slung over my armchair he heads outside.

Rolling my eyes I finish my coffee taking my mug into the kitchen and rinsing it, I put it in the dishwasher.

"Charlie, we're leaving in five so you better get dressed" Angel calls out from my backyard

Knowing that I'm not going to win I head down to my bedroom changing into jeans and a t-shirt, I grab my jacket out of my closet.

Heading back into the lounge room Angel is pulling on his boots, wearing a beat up leather jacket instead of his kutte.

"Alright, what's going on? You're not in your kutte" I ask grabbing my boots and pulling them on.

"I just need a break" he says shrugging his shoulders.

Not wanting to push him I head into the kitchen grabbing my bike keys off the rack I head into the garage.

Pulling the cover off my bike I start her up, opening the garage door I head out to Angel.

Pulling my helmet on "where are we off too?" I ask

"Just follow me" He says pulling out of my driveway

Pulling down the garage door and locking it I jump on bike catching up to Angel.

We ride side by side for the next hour, heading further out of Santo Padre, Angel signals that he's pulling off, following him through a thick clump of redwoods.

We ride down the dirt road for another hour, the redwoods providing much needed shade. Angel pulls up to a stop, parking my bike next to him I climb off.

"Where are we?" I ask pulling my helmet off

"It's a surprise" he says grabbing his bag off the side.

Locking my bike I follow him into the woods.

We walk along in silence, the redwoods blocking out all the noise of the world, soothing my soul.

We start to hike over a small ridge and when we get to the otherside I am amazed to find a clearing with built up hot springs.

"Hot springs?" I ask Angel puzzled.

"Yeah, I found them a few years back on a ride" he replies shrugging his shoulders as he throws his pack on the ground.

Angel kicks off his boots and strips off his shirt and jeans, standing there in nothing but his boxers he winks at me "last one in, is a rotten egg" as he races off.

Laughing I kick off my boots and wiggle out of jeans, stripping down to my bra and underwear. Following Angel I slide into the pool of water, it's only waist deep but its pure heaven.

Laying back I float across the water, feeling Angel do the same I let out a deep sigh of contentment.

"That's a pretty nasty scar on your shoulder" he says as he floats next to me.

"You should see the other guy" I reply

"What happened?" Angel asks softly

"I don't really remember" I reply truthfully "so what's with the day off?" I ask desperate to change the subject

"Just need a break from club shit" he mutters

Turning my head I take in Angel's face, exhaustion running deep, it's the worst I've seen him in a long time.

"The club or the rebels?" I ask him

Angel quickly stands up, looming over me "how do you know about that?" he asks angrily.

I don't reply I just push myself further around the pool, my arms creating ripples in the water.

Angel sits down blocking me, reaching for my arm, he traces my scar on my wrist "well, how do you know about that?" he asks softer this time.

"How do you think?" I reply sitting up next to him.

"Is that why you're here?" he asks avoiding my eyes.

"Partly, you're an adult Angel and we both know I can't stop you from doing stupid shit, but I would be lying if I said you weren't part of the reason I came home" I tell him.

"We haven't spoken in almost eight years Charlie, I could be someone completely different, someone you don't even know " he says his voice full of regret.

"Angel Reyes, I know your soul, you're still the same person, just a little skinner and with a lot more muscle" I reply laughing trying to lighten the mood.

"That's the problem Charlie, I'm not the same, my soul is damaged, I've done so many terrible things and I can't drag you down with me" he says standing up climbing out of the pool and heading back to his clothes.

Following him I take the towel he offers me and quickly dry off, pulling my clothes back on.

"Angel, if you truly feel that way, why are we here?" I ask him.

"Because I thought it could be different, but it can't" he says throwing the towels back into his pack and heading back towards the bikes.

Following him "So you thought it could be different because I didn't know about the rebels? So really you only thought it could be different because you thought you could keep me in the dark" I reply bitterly.

"I can't risk you getting hurt" he replies shutting down, his face stoney as we reach the bikes.

Jumping on mine I start her up, the roar deafening, speeding off I leave Angel in a storm of dust. 

This Hurts Like Hell - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now