Chapter Eleven

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As I pull onto the street of the scrapyard angel finally talks "you can just drop me here" his voice flat

Slowing down I look at him "why? I can just drive you into the clubhouse" I say

"I don't want Bishop to see me with you" he replies shrugging his shoulders

Slamming on my brakes Angel jerks forward "are you kidding me?" I ask him

Opening the door Angel climbs out of my car "thanks for the lift" he says slamming the door

"Asshole" I mutter under my breath as I watch him walk towards the yard. Putting my foot on the accelerator I speed past him pulling into the lot and navigating my way to the clubhouse, the gate is open as I pull in.

Throwing my car into park I jump out slamming the door shut, Ez sees me and heads across the yard "hey Charlie, I thought Angel was with you?" He asks

"I left him on the side of the road" I tell him "where's your boss?"

"Why?" He asks his body instantly going rigid as he goes into overprotective mode

"Because I need to talk to him" I reply Golding my arms across my chest

Sighing Ez nods towards the clubhouse "come on I'll introduce you two" he says turning and walking up the stairs.

Following him I enter the dimly lit clubhouse, it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust but after they do I notice the two men in the clubhouse sitting at a table smoking.

"Whose this?" A tall stocky built man asks standing up

"This is Charlie, she wants to speak with Bishop" Ez says to the man

The other man stands "I'm Bishop what would you like to talk about?" He says with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes

"I know you have some questions about who I am, and really trying to hack my personal file is annoying so I figured you should hear it from the source" I reply annoyance creeping into my voice

Looking at the other man he nods "come with me" Bishop tells me walking towards a room out the back

The tall man follows behind, shutting the door behind us looking around I realise I'm in their Templo.

"Beautiful Templo" I murmur

"Thank you" Bishop says cocking an eyebrow at me "please sit"

Taking a seat the tall man sits on Bishop's right "this is Tranq" he says nodding to the man.

"Hello" I reply

"So why don't you start at the beginning" Bishop says sitting back in his chair.

Taking a deep breathe in I start "You probably didn't find much information on Hazel Cooper, because that's not my real name, My birth name is Amile Charlotte Martìnez and my grandfather was one of the founding members of Los Sombra M.C, my father was a full patch member they were both murdered when I was twelve"

"That's not possible" Bishop interrupts me "Amile Martinez was murdered along with her mother, father and grandfather"

Raising my eyebrow at him I push my sleeve up showing him my scar "my father's best friend got my mom and I out in time, and provided us with new identities under my mother's maiden name" I tell him

Shock washes over Bishop's face as he leans over the table examining my scar "Is your mother" he trails off

Confusion washes over my face "She's alive, she lives in Los Angeles now" I tell him

Sitting back in his chair Bishop just nods "And Angel and Coco what do they know of your family?" he asks

"Angel and Johnny" pausing I correct myself "Coco, know who my father is and who I am, they don't know that I am supposed to be dead though"

"And why are you back in Santo Padre?" Tranq asks me

"I was fired from the FBI after an undercover operation went wrong I needed a job and Frankie was kind enough to offer me one" I reply providing the simplest explanation possible.

"And your relationship with Angel?" Bishop asks

"Is none of your business" I tell him folding my arms over my chest

Smirking Bishop looks at Tranq giving him a slight nod of the head.

"Alright Charlie, I guess that's good enough for now" Tranq says standing up, following him we stop at the door.

"I suspect we will be seeing a lot more of you around here" Tranq says smiling down at me

"Depends, I did just leave him on the side of the road" I reply smiling

Both Tranq and Bishop burst out laughing "I like you" Bishop says

Opening the door Tranq and I walk out into the clubhouse as soon as the door opens Angel is up off the barstool and heading over to me.

"Can we talk" he asks softly

"Yeah once you've calmed down" I tell him as I walk towards the door, waving goodbye to Ez and Johnny I climb into my car. Angel's hand grabs the door frame before I can close it.

"What was that about?" He growls nodding his head towards the clubhouse

"I told Bishop the truth" I say

"And what truth would that be?" He asks

"The one about who I really am, so you don't need to protect me anymore Angel" I reply pulling the door shut, Angel only just manages to let go as it slams. Locking the door I put the keys in the ignition and throw my car into reverse heading out of the scrapyard and heading home. 

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